Well apart from health, wealth and happiness and peace and good will to all!
I'd rather like...
Paco Rabbanne "XS Pour Elle" perfume and body cream... the bugger is discontinuing it and if everyone I know buys me a bottle I'll be a happy bear... I've worn it for the last 10 years... All my friends actually think of it as "my smell"... I love it too much to give it up... and nothing else smells like it!
Cashmere/Cashmere mix jumper... At 24 I can pretty much wash without shrinkage now and/or afford regular trips to the dry cleaners!
Posh skincare regime and cream... apparently I'm 3 years too late!
My skin, according to my mate "Has been degrading since 21!" so I'm locking the stable door after the horse has bolted... but its better late than never!
Nail art set and nail varnish I have definitely now kicked the nail biting habit... my nails are now over a cm long! (It can make typing a little dificult... but I love my nails!) May as well keep them looking good!
Books or book tokens
Bear Factory Bear Its a shop where you go pick your "skin" and they stuff him and sew him and you (or the giver... hope Adrian's reading this) puts in its heart... there's clothes and everything for them... very very sweet... and expensive.
More silver jewellery The matching ring and pendant to my new bracelet would be lovely!
My Little Pony I'm so pleased they've reintroduced them! I loved them as a child and evidentally as an adult
Underwear Normal boring black cotton thongs and boring black T-shirt bras from me family and hopefully something a little more... "racey" and beautiful from my man!
Pyjamas Nothing racey just gotta have my brushed cotton jobs or thick flannel... silk is gorgeous but should only be worn in Hotels where you don't pay the heating bill!!!!!!
And probably other stuff too...
I'd rather like...
Paco Rabbanne "XS Pour Elle" perfume and body cream... the bugger is discontinuing it and if everyone I know buys me a bottle I'll be a happy bear... I've worn it for the last 10 years... All my friends actually think of it as "my smell"... I love it too much to give it up... and nothing else smells like it!
Cashmere/Cashmere mix jumper... At 24 I can pretty much wash without shrinkage now and/or afford regular trips to the dry cleaners!
Posh skincare regime and cream... apparently I'm 3 years too late!
Nail art set and nail varnish I have definitely now kicked the nail biting habit... my nails are now over a cm long! (It can make typing a little dificult... but I love my nails!) May as well keep them looking good!
Books or book tokens
Bear Factory Bear Its a shop where you go pick your "skin" and they stuff him and sew him and you (or the giver... hope Adrian's reading this) puts in its heart... there's clothes and everything for them... very very sweet... and expensive.
More silver jewellery The matching ring and pendant to my new bracelet would be lovely!
My Little Pony I'm so pleased they've reintroduced them! I loved them as a child and evidentally as an adult

Underwear Normal boring black cotton thongs and boring black T-shirt bras from me family and hopefully something a little more... "racey" and beautiful from my man!
Pyjamas Nothing racey just gotta have my brushed cotton jobs or thick flannel... silk is gorgeous but should only be worn in Hotels where you don't pay the heating bill!!!!!!
And probably other stuff too...