What freaks you out?

Birdman1978 said:
Though the movie Arachnophobia is rather humorous and not really a horror film, it makes me trip out when watching it, because of my dislike of spders. Everytime I view this movie I go like hell allover my room checking for spiders.

i hate spiders :eek9:
To all y'all spider haters, you'd probably better never take a dump in my toilet. Here's what you see on the cabinet in front of the toilet, down below the TP roll:
Found the Stephen King book in my bookcase. It's in the collection Night Shift, this paperback is so worn, it's cracked and crumbling and the pages are soft and yellow. I opened the front to find it was a library book I never returned. The last date stamp is May 18th, 1988. Wow. Back in the days I enjoyed gobbling up any King book I could get my hands on.

The name of the story is "I am the Doorway". I just read the last paragraph and the last line, it's chilling. This guy has eyes in his hands that torment him so that by the end of the story, he has his hands removed and has hooks installed:

I get along just fine with these hooks. There was terrible pain for the first year or so, but the human body can adjust to almost anything. I shave with them and even tie my own shoelaces. And as you can see, my typing is nice and even. I don't expect to have any troulbe putting the shotgun into my mouth or pulling the trigger. It started again three weeks ago, you see.

There is a perfect circle of twelve golden eyes on my chest.
You know, that never gets me. I'm always expecting them. What gets me is when the person next to me jumps 5 miles in the air, and elbows me in the ribs.:grumpy: Scares the crap out of me every time. :retard:
Leslie said:
lol I feel better about mine now!

not because of a movie or book, but I worry/try and not panic about garpike biting through the bottom of boats and getting my toes.

Irrational fears are truly random. OTOH Ive never seen a real horror film (I don't think scream counts) so I don't have any of those random fears.
Inkara1 said:
To all y'all spider haters, you'd probably better never take a dump in my toilet. Here's what you see on the cabinet in front of the toilet, down below the TP roll:

Trade ya. We got black widows.
I've been generally lucky; I've only seen one and it was outside (there's a gap between the front wall and the porch, and that's where it lived), and I killed it.
I know there's a bigger one I'm forgetting ATM (good thing, I guess), but I know I was spooked by a 'Tales from the Crypt' I saw when I was little where this woman had 3 wishes, and I don't remember how the first 2 went except that somehow her second one ended up giving her husband a fatal heart attack and she used her last wish to make him live forever, and he just started a constant, blood-curdling scream that couldn't be stopped as he was now alive forever in the moment of dying pain with the heart attack, and even after butchering him up and even ripping out his heart (stopped of course) she couldn't stop his screaming.
MrBishop said:
That static-screen off of the TV - ever since Poltergeist
gah....that gets me too....

Had an old sylvania that would randomly short out and turn itself on at full volume on channel 99. By randomly I mean at 4am. Downstairs and across the house, the damn thing sounded like a water main broke.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Trade ya. We got black widows.
We have black widows too but a brown recluse is much more common and dangerous because there is no anti-venom and the bite just dissolves tissue all the way into the bone. Plus they are about the size of a US penny and love to hide in bedsheets and clothing.

Inkara1 said:
To all y'all spider haters, you'd probably better never take a dump in my toilet. Here's what you see on the cabinet in front of the toilet, down below the TP roll:

Holy Shit! That is a big Spider-yep-don't like spiders.
Spiders don't usually freak me out, but that pic did it to me. Ewwwww! I cringe at the thought of one crawling on me in the middle of the night!
ekahs retsam said:
We have black widows too but a brown recluse is much more common and dangerous because there is no anti-venom and the bite just dissolves tissue all the way into the bone. Plus they are about the size of a US penny and love to hide in bedsheets and clothing.
oh thanks a lot....

*tears sheets off bed and burns pillowcases even though those spiders arent in this area*

pic edited out for the sake of fellow spider-haters....
Spot said:
oh thanks a lot....

*tears sheets off bed and burns pillowcases even though those spiders arent in this area*

pic edited out for the sake of fellow spider-haters....

I know, it was all i could do to find the image and not start freaking out myself! I actually found one in my bathroom once and i thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. :D

ps i have really close shots of it if you ever want to really panic.