What happened to Greenfreak?


Well-Known Member
Havn't seen her abouts in a while and I miss reading her posts. Anyone seen her abouts? another forum or something...

Kindly post or PM me about it. :) Thanks
She's been about. I think she went and did something disgusting...like succeed in real life. I miss her, though.
HomeLAN said:
She's been about. I think she went and did something disgusting...like succeed in real life. I miss her, though.

*Shakes fist

Damn you real life!!!!
HomeLAN said:
She's been about. I think she went and did something disgusting...like succeed in real life. I miss her, though.

Steve knows this is true because even though I don't post much anymore, he (GASP!) emails me once a while to catch up and say hi. Unbelievable, I know. ;) (p.s. Steve, miss you too! Got your latest email, I'll be answering this week!)

Bish, thanks for asking about me... Things are great in my life, Steve's absolutely right. Online life is taking a back seat, and rightly so. I do get online once every few days but that's mostly to go to my gardening message board and that in itself takes up a lot of time. I've been really stepping up my orchid collection (21 total now) and I have a few different kinds now so they each require different care. By the way, I took your suggestion about daylilies and bought some at a gardening show a few weeks ago. I have 9 of them now, in pots, and about 30 asiatic growing in the lawn. I also have about 300 spring bulbs which have bloomed, are blooming, or are about to bloom. I think I'm officially the "plant lady" of the block, my neighbors love the display. I can't let 'em down, I have some wild ideas brewing for the summer season.

Inky's right too, that's my first post in a while in that thread. That was my big news of the day... So you can see, monetarily I'm doing great also. Work is just awesome, Rusty is awesome, family is awesome, life is awesome. Unless I won the lottery and bought a house, I fail to see how things can be any better than they currently are. :D
You could always have the satisfaction and warm feeling of sharing the wealth with an aspiring journalist who's between jobs right now... ;)
Thanks for contacting her and thank you to Trish for replying!!

It's the little things that keep OTC going IMHO, and touching base with those that have stepped away from OTC for whatever reason, are one of those gold-plated little things.

Cheers all!
i successfully reeled greenie into Love & Lifestyles by posting pics of half nekkid men :headbang: see, you just have to know what to post :brow:
kuulani said:
i successfully reeled greenie into Love & Lifestyles by posting pics of half nekkid men :headbang: see, you just have to know what to post :brow:

You mean...like this??

:lol2: He got that pic from kweer.com lol

See, guys like that are just ... ugh. Look at him sucking in his cheeks like he's Zoolander or something. Nah, Ku'u knows what I like. She's my hot-Hawai'ian-men-wearing-next-to-nothing supplier and I love her for it!:D
greenfreak said:
See, guys like that are just ... ugh. Look at him sucking in his cheeks like he's Zoolander or something.
my thoughts exactly...if you force fed him a cheeseburger and put a bag over his head it would be an improvement.
Bish, I'm calling your missus and telling her what kinda photos you're looking at. And at work no less.