Gonz said:We don't start fights when we know the rules. This is a street brawl. There are no rules.
freako104 said:So basically you are saying fuck the rules and international law?
Inky while Ill agree I dont know that wed be attacked again. They may or may not have. they may have targeted someone else. They are less likely to now BUT who is to say they wont retaliate for our attacks on them?
Gonz said:We don't start fights when we know the rules. This is a street brawl. There are no rules.
freako104 said:I dont want lives ended. so Id say go for the least body count possible. and to me war would be a higher body count
Professur said:That's an ugly kinda true, Gato.
Professur said:Not according to Keats.
Gato_Solo said:Depends, freako. So far, this 'war' has cost less lives so far than any war in modern history. You also seem to have the 'naive' notion that all people respect life. People only respect their own life. When it comes right down to it, yours doesn't matter as much as theirs, and the only thing keeping them from ripping you to shreds is the underlying belif that you feel the same way.![]()
freako104 said:So basically you are saying fuck the rules and international law?
Inkara1 said:So we could stay above their level by using diplomacy... wait, that won't work, they aren't about to agree to anything with us unless it's us agreeing to remove ourselves from the planet or convert to their religion and system of government and economics.
So we could stay above their level by doing military airstrikes to take out their bases... wait, that won't work, their bases are in the middle of crowded civilian areas.
So we could stay above their level by engaging in hand-to-hand combat with their soldiers on the battlefield... wait, that won't work, you can't tell their soldiers from Joe Six-Pack on the street, and the street is their battlefield of choice.
Gato_Solo said:I think freako wants us to go Swordfish on them...Would lessen the body count, wouldn't it?
freako104 said:if we are to start something like this and as you said no rules we can do whatever we want. that lowers us to their level doesnt it