what if...

A new bed. A new soundcard for thte 'puter. A good hangover and spend the remainder eating out :)
steweygrrrr said:
kinda like this one?
Conciousness: That annoying time between naps

Oh I don't mind that one so much......sleeping really interferes with my drinking time :drink:
peterska2 said:
it's USD actually and is worth not a lot in GBP.

What are you using there?

If you convert USD to £, then convert it to Rand you'll have quite a tidy little sum to play with
peterska2 said:
the idea is that it is to be speant on yourself not the bills so you need to rethink there Inkara

No; I'm still going to spend it on bills.

If we want to get technical, I am spending it on myself because I won't get woke up by a bill collector on the phone anymore.