RDX said:
That's a guess, and even if it were true, that still doesn't really say anything. In all the cities except for Richmond, whites received the majority of the tickets, and the blacks received the minority.
BTW, according to the 1990 census,
55.2% of the Richmond population is black (obviously a majority)
28.1 % Houston
29.6% Kansas City
47.5% St Louis
37.9% Cincinnati
9.4% San Diego
25.6% Boston
Although I couldn't find data readily available for all of the cities listed in that dateline article, of the ones that I did find, it is quite apparant that these cities contain a much higher black demographic than the 15% national average (except for San Diego).
So, according to you, since
one city has a higher black population, it justifies
all cities to follow it's lead? Preposterous. I've never seen such a ridiculous explanation in my life. As for your "vast majority" of the tickets, I'll agree, but you took that out of the context of the study, didn't you?
If you have to cherry-pick data that you want to see to justify, or outlaw, a behavior, instead of facing the problem, then you
become the problem
RDX said:
Are you saying that I think it's justified or that I think it doesn't happen? I will address both since I don't know exactly where you are coming from.
It does happen, I am not arguing against this. Although I would argue that it is not a prominant as you would want us to believe.
can't be serious.
For someone who claims to believe that everybody has an equal chance, you sure sound a bit racist.
RDX said:
Is it justified? I would say to a certain extent...yes. While this may really piss some of you off, I think it is to a certain point. Gender, age, race - they all make a difference on the probability that someone will do something or that something is done to them.
Here's a fact. 99% of all serial killers are white males between the ages of 24 and 40. Does that mean that, if a serial killer is running loose in your city, the police can stop every white male between the ages of 24 and 40 for consent searches? According to your words it is...
RDX said:
Why are auto insurance rates so much higher for young males than anyone else? Simiple, because they're more likely to be involved in an accident. I have never been in an accident, yet I still must pay these high premiums. You wont see me ragging on about it. It's profiling, so why do we tollerate it? In the same way, males are more likely to commit a violent crime. Is it because the police are simply looking for male suspects more often? No! Almost any logical person realizes that these characteristics do make a difference. So why should race be any different? If a location has a traditionally high rate of crime among Swedes living in the area, shouldn't law enforcement keep a tighter eye on them? If a large Mongolian gang is terrorizing a certain part of a city, shouldn't the activity of the local Mongolian populition be watched more closely?
So now you're comparing private industry practice, which has no bearing on your criminal record, or criminal practice, and police judgement calls, which can lead to repeated harassment and, in some cases, death. There is no more crime in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods...Fact, or fiction? Why should I, as a black male with no criminal record, be subject to more police scrutiny than you, a white male that is a possible serial killer? Perhaps you need to read the book
Black Like Me by Robert Bonazzi.
RDX said:
If race plays no role in determining the chances that someone will break the law, than racial profiling is NOT acceptable. If it does play a role though, than it's just stupid for the law enforcement not to focus more of there resources on whichever population is commiting these crimes.
Then it's not acceptable because race plays no part in determining chances someone will break the law, and law enforcement is stupid for letting predjudice cloud their thinking.