What is the world coming to?



Angels heading for World Series... *sigh*, what is this world coming to?

(Look I've had 2 hours of sleep last night and I'm reading news at 2,700 words per minute ok? Gimme a break)[/siz] :)
World Cup? You call yourself American? It's been confirmed, he's an al Qieda terrorists in disguise. GET HIM!!!!!!!!!
Gonz said:
World Cup? You call yourself American? It's been confirmed, he's an al Qieda terrorists in disguise. GET HIM!!!!!!!!!
Yikes, my mistake... Read my disclaimer up there... Now forget that I said "Cup" instead of "Series".

can i object to the use of the word 'world'? i don't see any other than us teams there. infact, i don't see any other countries that play even invited... ;) :D
Canada is in it. If we werent so potty on Cuba, they might have a team or two in it as well. Taiwan would be a good addition.. but the fast turnabouts on plane travel would be pure hell considering how fast they pack the games in. Japan would get mauled playing yank teams. What other teams that play rounders can afford todo so? A fresh team nowadays costs about 400million US plus an annual operating cost of 120mil.
unclehobart said:
I love cricket... I dont know what the hell is going on... but I like it.
I feel that way about Rugby, I don't have a fricken clue what they are doing, but I love to watch it.
cricket is great if you remove the sport part from it and consider its true designation - a backdrop to a solid day of drinking while getting heatstroke.

rugby rules, damn fine game.
Scanty...I'm surprised you forgot the rules already. I, meaning me, state the obvious surreptitiously, and you, my Penfold-like side-kick, mumble something like 'Cor'... :D