What is wrong with people, take 2...

Gato_Solo said:
So you are allowed to own guns in France, like the robber had?

What has that got to do with anything? Anytime there's a whole lot of people together in one place, they should expect shit. It's funny because it's a church, because church-goers are retards.
a13antichrist said:
church-goers are retards.

Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one, and yours happens to be full of shit at the moment.

See ya when you decide to grow up. Til then, join PT and flamio in oblivion. :wave2:
Opinions can't be full of shit. They can be total shit, or the people having them can be full of shit, but the opinion itself can't. And the great thing about opinions is that your opinion that my opinion is full of shit, is also a big pile of shit. ;)
a13antichrist said:
What has that got to do with anything? Anytime there's a whole lot of people together in one place, they should expect shit. It's funny because it's a church, because church-goers are retards.

Gee...if you can't logically connect what I'm saying, then, perhaps, the inability to think lies elsewhere...
PostCode said:
ohhh why do I loath a13 so much?

You mean he means that much to you? I have no regard for him either way...just his overblown opinion of who, or what, is retarded. It's an extremely simplistic viewpoint based on nothing but his own narrow viewpoint.
a13antichrist said:
You mean you let other people determine your opinions for you? Interesting angle.. but you can keep it.

Nope. But I also do not think I'm the only authority on what is 'retarded'.
So, as said... you let other people determine for you what you think is sensible and what is ridiculous... that, my friend, is precisely my definition of retarded... when you let other people chose for you the way to think.
a13antichrist said:
So, as said... you let other people determine for you what you think is sensible and what is ridiculous... that, my friend, is precisely my definition of retarded... when you let other people chose for you the way to think.

Under that premise, it would be retarded to adopt your definition.
Luis G said:
Under that premise, it would be retarded to adopt your definition.

I don't value, or substantiate anything he says. I just like to guffaw at his fallacious ideas on how life should be. He's cheap entertainment on dull days.
Luis G said:
Under that premise, it would be retarded to adopt your definition.

Heheh... yes, yes it would. ;)

Gato, they seem fallacious to you because they're designed to eliminate precisely the redneck, overly moralistic head-up-the-arse-conservative me-too bunnies that English-speaking countries seem so proud of.