What is x?

Did it stop YOU from having irresponsible sex when you were a teen? Yeah, thought not. Fact: teenagers are walking hormone-bombs.
So because teenagers are horny, we should just throw our hands in the air and give up?

I assure each of you, the 13.81 year old in this house knows plain damn well my thoughts on teen pregnancy. And she knows damn well I mean every syllable of it. If she doesn't believe me, she's apt to find out I did mean it. Just as I meant everything else I told her.

Did I have sex as a teenager? Every chance I got.
Did I always use birth control? Nope.
Was I prepared to face the music if necessary? Damn straight. I would have had zero voice in it and I knew it.

I don't pretend to know what the point of viable life is. I know I do not condone abortion, but I also know I don't condemn those who go that route on that basis alone. In select cases I endorse it, but those are pretty rare. In this, as in most things, I'm all about responsibility on a personal level. If Jack and Jill know how to thrill, Jill might wanna think about the pill. If Jill ain't on the pill, Jack better wear a sack. Both are better than either or none. But if Jack's sack spills on Jill's pill and results in Baby Phil, Jack and Jill have just become adult parents and will be expected to conduct themselves as such. Old enough to have the fun, be prepared if there's a son.
Did it stop YOU from having irresponsible sex when you were a teen? Yeah, thought not. Fact: teenagers are walking hormone-bombs.

I had a number of women say no, not until there's a ring & a date. I respected that.

I fucked like a bunny because I was not taught better. I was taught though that what I did, I was expected to take care of. I would not have been allowed to run away & hide behind mommas aprons, at 16 or 21.
If Jack and Jill know how to thrill, Jill might wanna think about the pill. If Jill ain't on the pill, Jack better wear a sack. Both are better than either or none.

i'm in the "both" camp. neither of us is thinking kids would be a great idea right now, nor would we be party to an abortion. but that's our "choice."

i wonder how some o' youz do that "fuck like a bunny thing" with caution to the wind. i've been petrified of unwanted pregnancy since i knew what to do with my pecker and have behaved accordingly.

*walks away shaking head.*