What is your full birth name


Well-Known Member
I don't like to give out my last name for certian reasons but here are my first three of my four birth names.
William Perry Conrad xxxxxxxx
I go by Perry
mhh, I'd prefer not to give my name out... I have three names though, and technically I have a suffix "II" or "the Second". And if titles are hereditary, I have a prefix Duke. :D You may now call me "Your Grace" :D :p :p
Well LL, if you're going to go that far then i'm the III and you can call me The Conqueror Because i am a direct descendant of William The Conqueror. So basically you're mearly a peon before me. now show me a little respect will you? :D
Realistically, that makes me a nobody whos ancestry was once a somebody who got fat and died.
:rofl2: Yes sire, at your command!

I don't really dig into my ancestry. I just wanted to know the facts. Plus when my ancestors left France I'm pretty sure their titles became nothing. :)
I have a fimily book of my history with pictures from the civil war and dating prior to William the Conqueror of England. It's amazing really. My grandfather spent the second half of his life putting it together. My family were also some of the very first Americans to step foot in north America.
Eric Warren Smythers. my family history is pretty much british my father has English(our last name is an english name),German,Polish and maybe some others. my mother has Irish,Scottish and English. she may also have Eastern European.
HEY! Scanty's middle name sounds like my first name! I am Nicole. That is all you get. My middle name embarasses me and if you want my last name bad enough you'll beable to find it.
my full name is: Luis Eduardo XX YY (i have two lastnames)

Most people call me Luis, my family calls me Luis Eduardo, and some girls call me Eduardo or "Lalo" ("short-cute" form for Eduardo).