What movie would you most like to see remade?


Well-Known Member
Gotta be The longest day. Some of the scenes in that movie were simply amazing and on such a grand scale. The invasion of Normandy scene was unparalleled in film.
Only thing is the acting just didn't cut it for me. I'd love to see this film remade on the same scale.
I would like to see Der Lingest Tag redone as well. I want it bumped up to modern standards of audience tolerances. I never did like the whole 'fall over and play dead' cowboys and indians stuff where someone would get shot, grab their belly, wince in pain, and do the graceful slump to the ground like a ballet with no wound or blood at all.
Whoops. Ancient memory going back to a grade 8 German test where I misspelled it sooooo bad that I got a chuckle out of it and it has been ingrianed in my mind ever since. To this day my brain still convinces me that German for long is ling, not lang.
II was passable at best. Pretty to look at.. but haphazard acting and pacing with broad leaps of faith at every turn. They were both seriously dumbed down to an 7 year old mentality. I would like to have seen them written at least the teen level.
Vaders performance(forget the kids name) throughout the movie was interesting because it sucked something fierce in the beginning yet got better as the movie went until the point of I HATE THEM!!, which i thought was some halfway decent acting. On the whole though i never expected top notch performances from a starwars movie. I had about the same expectations as i have with the LOTR series. I'm expecting some serious eyecandy and a good story. To get all three (story eyecandy & acting) is just too much to hope for more than once a decade.
HeXp£Øi± said:
You didn't like II? I thought it was pretty good given how bad Episodes I was.

Oh I absolutely loved both of them. Got both DVDs.

Could have been much better though, especially Ep I.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Vaders performance(forget the kids name) throughout the movie was interesting because it sucked something fierce in the beginning yet got better as the movie went until the point of I HATE THEM!!,
Am I the only one who thinks Hayden Christenssen sucks?
AlladinSane said:
Am I the only one who thinks Hayden Christenssen sucks?

:wave: hi im eric. did you forget me ;)(i do that at school a lot) no alladin he did suck. II was ok i bought it for the extras and cause Yoda with a lightsaber, but my faves are what i call the real star wars. A new Hope, Empire Strikes Back. and Return of the Jedi(my fave in all the series)
freako104 said:
Rocky Horror
GNOOOOOO!! This is a classic! I vote it should be left the way it is! ;)

I don't think if it could be re-done with the same effect. Sortta like re-doing the originsl Star Wars.