What movie would you most like to see remade?

Vortex said:
GNOOOOOO!! This is a classic! I vote it should be left the way it is!

i still love it and all but id like to see it updated. just with new effects and better audience participation.

Professur said:
Attack of the Killer Tomatos.

i used to love that movie i cant believe i forgot it. good call prof.
I've seen it more than twice, but I dare say that a remake wouldn't help much, unless of course then it got a plot, which would ruin the entire feeling of the movie.
I held a movie night featuring Attack of the killer tomatos, and Revenge of the Killer Tomatos. I was the only one awake at the intermission.
ipmoof said:
Star Wars Episodes I & II. :D

I happen to like Star Wars 1 and 2.
Especially 2, yoda hopping like a bunny rabbit with a lightsaber cracked me up.

There is a movie i want to see remade.....can't remember the name........it was the one with a dude that is the chosen one, and parts of the movie had some stuff from a 1970's movie in it.....and the whole time I couldn't figure out which were the old parts and which were new.......if only i could remember the name!

I think it was Kung Pow: Enter The Fist
or something like that

Very stupid and funny, put poorly done.
lacemyster said:
ipmoof said:
Star Wars Episodes I & II. :D

I happen to like Star Wars 1 and 2.
Especially 2, yoda hopping like a bunny rabbit with a lightsaber cracked me up.

ipmoof said:
Oh I absolutely loved both of them. Got both DVDs.

Could have been much better though, especially Ep I.


Anybody seen Shaolin Soccer? Crazy film...
Mr. Rice's Secret.

I know it was just made, but it was horrible ... I mean, David Bowie was fab in it ... the story itself is great .. but everyone in them movie SUCKED! They should redo it with a better cast - keep Bowie though - I love him.
He was awesome in The Labyrinth. :headbang:

...with Jennifer Connelly - hey, I never realised she had massive funbags and recently had to have them cut off because they were weighing her down so much. Every day's a school day. :)
I must respectfully disagree with freako regarding Casablanca. Some things just cannot be improved. Case in point: Faith Hill attempting to sing "Piece of My Heart." (One of the very few songs where I will actually turn off the radio if it comes on.)
Professur, wasn't Evolution an updated version of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes;) ? If you haven't seen it, don't waste your time though.
Oops, I didn't answer the question, did I? Okay, how about The Devil in Miss Jones?????
ipmoof said:
...with Jennifer Connelly - hey, I never realised she had massive funbags and recently had to have them cut off because they were weighing her down so much. Every day's a school day. :)

lol, didn't know that either...very...uhm...interesting :D

not to piss a lot of people off, but casablanca sucked bigtime. and so did gone with the wind.

i guess some types of movies just don't apply to me :)
Shadowfax said:
not to piss a lot of people off, but casablanca sucked bigtime. and so did gone with the wind.

i loved casablanca myself shadow. i didnt care fr gone with the wind but it was allright i just didnt care for it.