"What Our Troops Want for Christmas"

Frankly, I think it's way past time to get our troops the hell out of there.

We need to concentrate on taking out Bin Laden and the core of al Queda, not on establishing "democracy" where, as soon as we do leave, it will return to business as usual overnight.

- Sharky
Not a liberal.
Actually its more likely to align with Iran,which is rather ironic since they went in to Iraq because of imagined WMD and after the war Iraq will actually have access to them.:rolleyes:
Ok who will listen to the people that side with the terrorists if a nuclear weapon
is detonated in an American city?
What American is going to give a shit
if France or Germany or New Zealand complains then?
For that matter, what will happen to a Leftiy Dem who gets up and claims we had it coming? Hmmm?
Winky said:
Ok who will listen to the people that side with the terrorists if a nuclear weapon
is detonated in an American city?
What American is going to give a shit
if France or Germany or New Zealand complains then?
For that matter, what will happen to a Leftiy Dem who gets up and claims we had it coming? Hmmm?

There are still some of us who don't give a damn if France or Germany or New Zealand or Canada or Jupiter or anybody else complains NOW.
This is about Iraq and as I pointed out in my previous post,they are more likely to posess nuclear weapons after the US leave than they were before.So I'd be kinda pissed at Bush for giving them the opportunity.
AB don't be silly who said anything about leaving?
We are still in:
Germany (OK finally we are going to redeploy out of there)
Japan Heh
Korea (Again let's move em' out boyz)
Someplace called Bosnia
And Hmm Gee ya want me to look up the hundreds of other places we have a military presence?

And no don't come back and post some nonsense about how the carbombers
will drive us out lickety split Hell We'd still be in Nam If we wanted too.
(shoulda marched straight to Hanoi in 65 and threatened the Chinese)
Yeah we can go damn near anywhere we please.

Nanaimo B.C. anyone? Nah what for?

Oh I’m sorry it has been pointed out to me in the Karma box that I’m
obnoxious to the extreme
I apologize but how else could I have so ably pointed out the obvious.
If it’s inevitable that we will leave Iraq and it will immediately turn hostile
towards the US maybe we’ll leave Iraq for Iran?
Actually, I feel that the prison system is a waste of manpower. The whole national prison system could probably be run by a few 100 people. All prisoners should be stripped to their skin, stood in a trench, buried in soil up to their throats, locked down with metal plates at the neck, and a feeding tube permanently affixed into their mouths. Gruel could be computer administered and the soil could be used to grow vegetables that they feed back to the prisoners. No need for complex gate controls, 1000s of guards, weight rooms, tv, books...

And thats the kind version. You don't want to hear the cruel one.
I consider a lot of the major deployments to be a waste... but not the embassies. Those are being assaulted with alarming frequency all over the world. I would even think that the true embassies need to be underground bunkers since the car bombs seem to be the weapon of choice these days. Tall buildings are far too easy to slap about.
Professur said:
TG, do your parents know you're off your meds again?

Cowardly Bad Karma said:
now thats just drawing on pathetic

I just love people who are too cowardly to sign the bad karma they give. Same sort of folk who stand in whatever crowd there is shouting about how lousy the world is, instead of standing up and trying to fix it. Be ashamed, whoever you are. Be very ashamed.
tank girl said:
in such laughable circumstances, I'd rather be the terrorist
Very lovely comment. Perhaps your host country wouldn't mind keeping you a bit longer.
Sharky said:
Frankly, I think it's way past time to get our troops the hell out of there.

We need to concentrate on taking out Bin Laden and the core of al Queda, not on establishing "democracy" where, as soon as we do leave, it will return to business as usual overnight.

- Sharky
Not a liberal.

Look at the bigger picture. Terrorism is our enemy. Al Qaeda is only one small faction in a much larger group. Usama is one man in a small faction of a much larger group. He means nothing. He's already written out of the plans. It would be a great trophy but so would Mussolini, Stalin & Hitler. At least we know where Stalin is...

Democracy in Afghanistan & Iraq with help to establish pressure on the surrounding countries to follow suit. Those opposed may find themselves forcibly removed from office by their own "constituents". Peace only comes through victory. Victory is never cheap or easy. Democracy will stop, or greatly slow, the spread of terrorism.

Freedom is the single most important thing man can have. Without it, all else perishes.
All of the diplomacy and tanks in the world compare not to the nation fabric shattering glory of the crack McDonalds and Starbucks construction batalltions. The older generation is lost... but their children will be our slaves.
Professur said:
Right up until they spill coffee on themselves, and realize they can sue.
No nonono... thats the best part. They sue their internal operation chains giving rise to the new breed of superlawyers causing an utter logjam within the entire socio-economic fabric and bring their internal politics to its knees with beuracracy and 'can't fight the system' apathy. Once they become entrenched into the 'me, me, me' phase... they are ours for life. All we then have to do is trade Survivor reruns for oil. Its insidious I tell you.
Gonz said:
Democracy in Afghanistan & Iraq with help to establish pressure on the surrounding countries to follow suit. Those opposed may find themselves forcibly removed from office by their own "constituents". Peace only comes through victory. Victory is never cheap or easy. Democracy will stop, or greatly slow, the spread of terrorism.

In Afghanistan perhaps ,but one of the leading candidates in Iraq is Pro-Iranian and is on the list that is being embraced by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani,so your looking at an Iraq-Iran becoming bigger players in that region .Not exactly a stabilizing situation ,especially where Israel is concerned.

Heading the al-Sistani-backed United Iraqi Alliance list is Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the pro-Iranian Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution and chief of its armed wing, the Iran-based Badr Brigade, during Saddam's rule.

Right up there with
Who will you vote for?
Bush 39%
Anybody but Bush 61%

If they choose to sacrifice their future, it's their election.