What should be done with Saddam Hussein?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure many will disagree with me on this but i believe the best thing we can do is hand him over to the UN war crimes tribunal. I have little doubt that any court will fail to bring him swiftly to justice. Anyway, Justice won't be done here because it's simply not possible for humankind to bring this man to justice. Only god can do us and those afflicted by this monster justice. Personally i'd like to see him hang. What do you think should be done now?
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

let him rot in some rat infested prison.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

HeXp£Øi± said:
I'm sure many will disagree with me on this but i believe the best thing we can do is hand him over to the UN war crimes tribunal. I have little doubt that any court will fail to bring him swiftly to justice. Anyway, Justice won't be done here because it's simply not possible for humankind to bring this man to justice. Only god can do us and those afflicted by this monster justice. Personally i'd like to see him hang. What do you think should be done now?

I agree with you. However, since this is an election year I don't expect the current administration to share this position. :rolleyes:
I want him to die a slow & brutally painful death at the hands of his victims families & the coalition forces.

I think he needs to be tried as a war criminal. Whether by the Hague or in Iraq or in the US is for another to decide.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

HeXp£Øi± said:
I'm sure many will disagree with me on this but i believe the best thing we can do is hand him over to the UN war crimes tribunal. I have little doubt that any court will fail to bring him swiftly to justice. Anyway, Justice won't be done here because it's simply not possible for humankind to bring this man to justice. Only god can do us and those afflicted by this monster justice. Personally i'd like to see him hang. What do you think should be done now?

Again, what war crimes? He committed his crimes against the people of Iraq, and should be tried, convicted and duly executed by them, not us and not the international courts.
War crimes & crimes against humanity
  • The "Anfal" campaign in the late 1980's against the Iraqi Kurds, including the use of poison gas on cities. In one of the worst single mass killings in recent history, Iraq dropped chemical weapons on Halabja in 1988, in which as many as 5,000 people — mostly civilians — were killed.
  • Crimes against humanity and war crimes arising out of Iraq's 1990-91 invasion and occupation of Kuwait.
  • Crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against Iraqi Kurds in northern Iraq. This includes the destruction of over 3,000 villages. The Iraqi government's campaign of forced deportations of Kurdish and Turkomen families to southern Iraq has created approximately 900,000 internally displaced citizens throughout the country.
  • Crimes against humanity and possibly genocide against Marsh Arabs and Shi'a Arabs in southern Iraq. Entire populations of villages have been forcibly expelled. Government forces have burned their houses and fields, demolished houses with bulldozers, and undertaken a deliberate campaign to drain and poison the marshes. Thousands of civilians have been summarily executed.
  • Possible crimes against humanity for killings, ostensibly against political opponents, within Iraq.
Complete and utter social isolation with complete blockage of all senses. Atleast he will make a good study subject for psychologists and it is as brutal of a punsihment as you can get.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

Gonz said:

The only specific international charges stem from the Iran-Iraq war (in which we tacitly cheered Saddam on). There were no specific charges levied in the Kuwait war, and everything else happened in Iraq, to Iraqis. Have I missed something? Again, thanks for proving my point.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

Humanity are "people" and not specific people of any specific nation. Crimes against humanity are just that. It makes no difference whether they were only perpitrated against his own people or people from mars imo. The grand scale on which this man commited his mass murder affected people globally and so he should be tried in such fashion.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

Point is, Hex that he did perpetrate these horrors on the people of Iraq. It's their right to deal with it. Not ours and not anyone else's. That's all I'm saying. Crimes against humanity is too vague, he murdered perhaps tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, they deserve the opportunity to deal with him.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

Agreed on that point. Well it looks like they'll get their chance.
Re: What should b done with Saddam Hussein?

chcr said:
Again, what war crimes? He committed his crimes against the people of Iraq, and should be tried, convicted and duly executed by them, not us and not the international courts.
That's the only reasonable thing to do. I don't know of his supposed crimes, if they really happened or not it's yet to be seen. If they happened it was againt Iraqi people, only. Let them judge him. It's not our affair. I was really pissed when the europens arrested and tried to judge Pinochet for crimes against humanity when they where conivent(?) whit his acts for years. This is just plain hipocrisy(?). When the world consider bringing Reagan or Ms. Tatcher to trial - and the other ones who helped to support these bastards in power - then they will have moral auhority to judge them. Until them let the people of these coutries deal with them...
this will seem old but did he commit any international or war crimes when he invaded Kwuait in the early 90s?
I'm fairly sure that a few 1000 people were rounded up, brought back into Iraq, trotured, raped, mutilated, executed... no due process; all just fun and games for the secret police.
unclehobart said:
I'm fairly sure that a few 1000 people were rounded up, brought back into Iraq, tortured, raped, mutilated, executed... no due process; all just fun and games for the secret police.

Exactly what I though when the pres. said something about treating him according
to the Geneva Convention. I almost laughed.