What was I thinking


molṑn labé
Staff member
My kids room has no closet. We had this thing to hold his clothes & some shelves to hold his crap. Mom says "hey, let's build a closet". I think I was in the middle of a BF2 battle & said, sure.

Guess where my Sat was spent. Guess where my Sunday will be spent.

If your son had no closet, then he could not... be in the closet.


Exactly how does one go about making a closet within a finite house floorplan? Did you merely annex off a piece of his room and build a massive wall? Annex a corner? Knock out a linen closet on the other side of the wall? Find some hidden cavity that was unknown? ...or knock out an outer wall of the house and fuse a huge animal crate into the siding and prop it up with a 2x4?
See, if you'd have sent a sappy ass story on a postcard in to one of them TV shows, that queer-boi or maybe ol' Ty Whats his name what needs to comb his nappy-assed hair might have come out and done it for you. Then you could have jumped up and down and squealed like some 380 pound heifer on Wheel Of Fortune and been all famous and stuff. But NOOOOO, you go do it your SELF! What's the matter with you anyway?

I've often wondered....what's the pay schedule for those shows? Free renovations in exchange for free air time?
Bob Villa is a piece of shit. He just stands there and talks. I have NEVER seen him lift his hands off of his hips to help someone out with ANYTHING. I like the shows where the hosts actually 'do' instead of preach.

Was the closet a permanent addition or just a polished temp thing? Can you explain a bit on how you set it up? Dimensions... number of shelves... that kind of thing.

Just take a pic of the damn thing already. Is it still raw particle board, or has he already slapped up a KORN poster on it?
A corner, approximately 60" x 32", of the room.

Some 2x4s.

Some, hopefully, straight lines ('cause the house is leaning like a friggin' tent)

A header.


Tomorrow is drywall & mud day (#1)

I'm gonna put on full length shelf in. A bar for hangars. a 36" bi-fold door.

Done. Simple & useful.
Dang. I think I would have just bought him a few more milk crates. It would make it easier for him to move when you toss his ass out at 19.

How old is your pad that a room doesn't have a closet?... unless he's in a room that wasn't intended as a bedroom.
The house is early 50's. The room was a "sun room" for some sick kid way, way back. It's been a bedroom for several decades. However, a major remodeling job a few years back moved/expanded the kitchen into the adjoining room & we enlarged this one but didn't add closet space. It was a storage room for a decade or so. The kids been in there for about 18 months.

This shot includes the thing he used.

[edit] I probably should have turned that, huh?
I've been watching a lot of HGTV and DIY Network lately... I've got so many ideas for what I want to do with my house once I can afford to buy one that I might need to buy five to have room for all of it.
That's three words and three initials, by the way...

Assmeble has been known to run from penicillin from what I hear. Kind of like nutsofire.