What we REALLY want..


New Member
God, I been watching a lot of tv lately - too damned cold to cast anything out in the foundry - too much winter left to even make haste with my latest project... so the TV has been on, and I been lerning some neat stuff, and noticing a lot of crap, too.

What crap I'm talkin about is the commercials.. Okay - I get Dish, so mebbe it's just them, but It would seem that ladies are mostly interested in havin "Smokin Hawt Bodies" (Nutrastarve), and Men... well men just can't seem to get it up

... and the fact that these commercials come on for the damnedest of programs... it just don't match up!

The E.D. ones still make me laff, tho.. "If you have an erection for 4 or more hours, call your Doctor" (I'd be callin my nurse..heh heh) .. and "If, after taking this drug, you experience anxiety, have increased heart rate, profuse sweating, or increased respiration..."
ummm... yeah.....?
Okay, since no -ones reading this topic I think it'll be safe for me to put this here.. Since this IS the OT forum, right?

I been reading the drama stuff about people getting banned, etc.. it all seems so petty when you're an outsider looking in (me) to see how some folk just get so dang upset when a troll comes aboot, and how some people try to post around it.. I dunno
Just my 2 cents.

Anyways - to the POINT of this edit:
In reading the crap, (which BTW was entertaining..) the BEST thing I gleaned from all that was that somebody posted a couple smilies in a row separated by dots...
and, it looked like a hand shooting a marble (for those of us OLD enough to remember playing marbles in the schoolyard as opposed to dodging bullets)

I dunno maybe this is old news - one of them *BTDT* things...
*quoted from a post by Southern*

Here - Like this:

One more thing... does this smiley werk here? (Remember it from Eris')

:mittens: ..no I guess not. Do we do mittens here? cuz I'd like to give them to Leslie (in accordance with my reading of the crystal_scan posts)

That's all. I can be done with this thread now. Thank You!