What would happen?

I would be ignored...except by (Q)...she would run towards me with a nail attached to a 2x4...oh fun times...
As long as everyone else is the same, I would be comfortable to act as I usually do here. But if people are uncomfortable and not really "themselves" as I know them here, I wouldn't push. As far as orgies go, my "men" will get big hugs from me (I give really good hug) and I do tend to touch people I'm friendly with when I talk to them but besides that, my heart and body belong to another. :)
I've been lurking here for a while because my regular boards are annoying me right now, and this thread actually insprired me to sign up and write.

I belong on another board for Off Roaders (jeeps and Zuks) and we are all mostly local within several hours drive. We get together all the time. It's funny because alot of the time, you don't know who anyone is until you just ask them point blank. For those of us who know each other only thorugh the board we mostly go by our user names. Those we know fairly well we actually use real names, but it all depends on how much you communicate with the others.

I have noticed that many people on the board I frequent are totally different in real life than they are on the board. Most of the guys who are really rude on the board are pretty nice in person and vice versa. It's odd because I think that the anonymity of an internet board gives people free license to just blurt out whatever they think, and in real life most people don't have the balls to be that way.

Me? I am exactly in real life like I am on any board. What I write is who I am. Just my thoughts. Also, wanted to note that some of my best friends I met on that board and through Jeep trail runs. Pretty cool. We post a trail run and camping date and just show up. It's fun and a good way to meet new people. Gotta be brave enough to go though!
I would if I could, but I doubt my dad would let me. And on the bright side? We just sit around to shy to say anything and enjoy each other's company. Me? You'd probably think I was a real ass (if you don't already ;)) since when I get nervous I tend to be loud and attention drawing (one time I suggusted to my friends that we all go into the nature store to see if we could get high off the insence because I was just...nervous and yeah). I'm pretty sure though that if they were "regular" visit type things, I would probably calm down enough that i'd act 'normal' or at least normal enough for me. I'd also probably try too hard to please and impress the first time. I don't know why, but for some weird reason I can be a people pleaser :$.
I've been to some great meets organised through a chatroom I sometimes visit :)

The first one was a little awkward, most of us were a little shy and it didn't help that the meet was organised in a hotel with a public bar (would you walk up to a total stranger and ask "You're not SpanglySuperSpud from MSN are you?") once we got ourselves organised and a little liquid courage was consumed it was fine tho' :D

The meets are now twice yearly and average about 60-80 people so we organise it that we meet in groups of 5 or 6 earlier in the day as it seems easier being introduced in small numbers initially than everyone just turning up to 80 new faces......that way even the shyest folk are gauranteed to have someone to talk to if they can't cope with the crowd :)

Yup, meets are fun, of course not everyone fits in ............. and I have yet to attend one that turned into a spontaneous orgy :mope:
Yo ho to /fdurnk! yeeesssbah!

Not too sure about the open huggingness to start with but as I said before in the "cuddler" thread I'm a bit of a hug monster so there would be hugs available but not till I'm comfortable with everyone if you know what I mean.
I would be accused of hoarding WMD if I took my shoes off. I dont think you want me to go there :eek6:
steweygrrrr said:
Physical evidence? He appeared to be stinking up the SB yesterday/this morning :lloyd:

The ShoutBox is hallowed ground to me. Hate me for whatever you like. But never think that I would disrespect the ShoutBox...:eek6:
I was referring to the hunt for the smell in the shoutbox and your reference to being dead making you the prime culprit. If you remember what Im on about here
steweygrrrr said:
:rofl4: I like that one! Even though we are a multinational kinda place do you reckon it'd ever happen?

It could. And I have the perfect place... my house! You can all fly here, and I'll barbeque.

/that way i don't have to spen any money flying around the world/ hrm! hfdump dhgfisdagm! Did I say that out loud?