What would you do with one hundred billion dollars?

What would you do with one hundred billion dollars?

anything I wanted. :D

Really though,
I'm like Luis. I don't know about an Island, I'd have to check around,
I'd definitly be buying up "land, and properties" here, and maybe some
for rental and such, if I could find some good help, to keep it all up.

Good help is hard to find...
I got one. Turn Burt Rutan's shoestring space pogram into serious competition for NASA.
Fuck helping people by donating money....

i'd start killing those who put so many in helpless situations in the first place.

First stop...illegal sex trading of young girls in Russia and Mexico.

Lets see who tries to take their place afterwards. :evilcool:
chcr said:
I got one. Turn Burt Rutan's shoestring space pogram into serious competition for NASA.

Talk about a money pit. I like the idea but space is one place where money had damned well not matter.
I would start with a home, one centered around my "desK".. .My desk would designed by the creative people at Disney, only they could accomplish the type of all encompassing "desk" I have always dreamed of.

Did I mention .50Cal turrets?

-give the the "huntingtons disease Fondation" help try to find a cure.
-Give to Cancer fund-make sure they do more research on "Synovial Sarcoma".
-Give to "some" family to make them comfortable.(a couple houses around the U.S.,a care, a truck, an RV, a boat, major TOYS for the boyz..etc...)
-make the boyz and I comfortable.
-open a store and make "cat" crafts of all kinds....... :D :swing:

And most of all, try to remember to just be "ME".....and not let the money thing go to my head! :devious:
Everyone who has been debt free
and has had more than $100,000.00 in cash
laying about raise their hands.

OK this is a fantasy thread sorry.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program.
after i was done fucking off, i would open my bar/pizza joint. i've got the gimmick and the aesthetics all laid out in my head....but with that kind of ,oney i xould hire someone to do the books.
HeXp£Øi± said:
What would you do if all of a sudden you inherited $100,000,000,000.00?
Think seriously about it. Get high on the idea and tell us what you would do.

Still thinking...

Buy that island...:grinyes:...and then donate all but 1,000,000.00 per year for upkeep of my new 'country'.
A.B.Normal said:
Go back to school.

Now that's really the first sensible thing I've heard thus far and I even didn't come up with that one, but then again, I'm not sensible :lol2:
Bah. For that kind of money, I would just keep writing 10 million dollar checks to a few dozen universities until they just issue an honorary doctorate of some kind.
Gonz said:
Talk about a money pit. I like the idea but space is one place where money had damned well not matter.

Money pit to a point. Past a certain point the space business will become like a license to print money. I'll bet you could get past that point with 100 billion dollar budget. Look at what they pay NASA and ESA to put communication satellites in orbit. If you could undercut that by 20% and make it profitable (easy in the private sector) you'd be rolling in it. Of course, you're already rolling in it, You've got $100,000,000,000 (damn, thats a lot of zeroes).

Edit: BTW, everything is about money.
Theres always been a dance for top dog between Gates and Warren Buffet... but the market over the last 4 years has deflated their bubble a bit. I wouldn't think that either one is over 45 billion at this point.
I would quit work, invest most of the money in different low risk mutual funds and an Education IRA for Alex and one for Athena, I'd sent lots of money to the no kill animal shelters and the Childrens hospital. Then I would spend my time being a stay at home mommy with my kids and I would make quilts for everyone and for the different charities. I wuold buy a big house in a good neighborhood with good schools and get one of those hybrid cars and then a fun car to drive around. I would put up the money Alex needs for her horse lessons and stuff and whatever activities Athena decides to do. I wouldn't hire a maid or anything, maybe one of the school kids to help me with the vacuming and dusting once a week or so, if their homework is done, but I would still take care of the household responsibilities. you have to stay normal somehow with that much money. My house would have to have some prpoerty around it though cause every kitty at the shelter always wants to come home with me, or maybe it's the other way around. I would be able to afford all the nice things that I like to have like Batn and Body Works soap all the time, Victoria Secrets panties that are so comfertable and last forever and the ablility to go out for a nice dinner once a week or so. I would finish my Vet Tech training and continue to take some online courses at the community college simply because my brain turns to go when i am no learning. I would repay everyone that has helped me out in the past. I might even help my mother fix up her horrible house, but that is still up for discussion.
Remember theres a curse to quick easy money. Maybe you should invest like $10 mill into buying a new indentity first before you do anything else.
Aw shucks the first sensible thought in this thread.

Once a toothless hillbilly always a toothless hillbilly!