What would you do?


New Member
Imagine yourself driving along on a wild stormy night. You pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

1. An old lady who is about to die.

2. An old friend who once saved your life.

3. The perfect man (or) woman you have been dreaming about.

Which one would you choose, knowing that there could only be one passenger in your car? [/color] You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and thus you should save her first; or you could take the old friend because he once saved your life,
and this would be the perfect chance to pay him back. However; you may never be able to find your perfect lover again....

There is an answer to this, just wondering what you guys would do?
so...are they all standing in a row? cuz if no, then i'd pick the first one i saw...you know? if yes, then it wouldn't be the old lady - not if i knew she was going to die....guess it all boils down to how good those dreams were, eh? ;)
tonks said:
so...are they all standing in a row? cuz if no, then i'd pick the first one i saw...you know? if yes, then it wouldn't be the old lady - not if i knew she was going to die....guess it all boils down to how good those dreams were, eh? ;)
Yep - good dreams, hmmm....

I would go with the man of my dreams - then again, with my current state of mind - love and finding a wonderful person to share my life with are high on the priority list right now. :love:
I'd have to go with paying back the old friend...unless the old lady would live somehow because I picked her up? then I'd have to think that both the old friend and the man of my dreams would respect me for that :shrug:
I'd pick up the Old Lady ,the friend (being a "friend" ) would know I was doing what I had to and the Women of my dreams?If we were truly meant to be together she'd wait or we'd end up meeting again(destiny and all).
1. The old lady is about to die anyway.
2. The friend that saved my life won't die if i leave him there, and he'll probably understand once he knows the situation and why I didn't pick him up.

So i'll go with 3.
If the old lady were to survive by me picking her up, then I'd go with number one. If not, then the friend.

The way I see it, the friend who saved my life probably would want/expect me to save someone elses. For them.
I'd get out of the car and give the keys to my friend who could drive the old lady home. I would then happily wait for the bus with Mr Perfect. :swing:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'd get out of the car and give the keys to my friend who could drive the old lady home. I would then happily wait for the bus with Mr Perfect. :swing:
excellent answer!
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'd get out of the car and give the keys to my friend who could drive the old lady home. I would then happily wait for the bus with Mr Perfect. :swing:

{slaps forehead} Doh{slaps forehead}
Is the old woman dying because she's standing outside? If she's about to die anyway, I'd pick #2. I can't change the old womans fate & the perfect lover has yet to prove herself. My friend however has shown to be true & deserves devotion.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I'd get out of the car and give the keys to my friend who could drive the old lady home. I would then happily wait for the bus with Mr Perfect. :swing:

[British accent] By George, I think she's got it! [/accent]
First thing first: I would ask these questions by posting them in proper color that contrasts against the background....say color black for example.
I'd run over the old lady, bang the dream man againt the bus stop & get the mate to take pics before we go off for a drink or two :shrug: