BeardofPants said:Natalie, wasn't this thread on entmoot... *deja vu*...
*impersonates natalie* was. I was gonna go to the 'moot and copy wayfarers clever answer.......but I couldn't be arsed
BeardofPants said:Natalie, wasn't this thread on entmoot... *deja vu*...
BeardofPants said:Natalie, wasn't this thread on entmoot... *deja vu*...
AlphaTroll said:And of course Oz & I had a natter.......which lead to certain individuals pissing their pants as per usual
Oz said:Erm, That was nine tenths of all the threads of Entmoot hun
Happy days those
AlphaTroll said:Ahh, the good old days........yup, they were fun..........., ah well, better we moved on I reckon.....saw Andúril popped by again - was wondering what on earth would have driven him to do so.
BeardofPants said:I'm thinking boredom, or his dick started to function again.
BeardofPants said:Natalie, wasn't this thread on entmoot... *deja vu*...
unclehobart said:I take that this Anduril person is a wee bit sub par in thy esteem?
AlphaTroll said:Summin 'bout a moral / ethical dilemma - & interviews (apparently the question was posed to a candidate during an interview). Just search Gen messages for threads started by moi (yer not the only one with that look on yer face.....for the life of me I can't remember half the shite I used to post there )
Ms Ann Thrope said:I'd get out of the car and give the keys to my friend who could drive the old lady home. I would then happily wait for the bus with Mr Perfect.