Just saying...looks like it was taken off-topic in the first or second response in order to further some other agenda. I really can't tell because the poster is on ignore...
And you make such a point of making that known that it's obvious you read my every post and they make you so mad and so dumbfounded in regards to making a response to it that you make a big act of IGNORING me. I know damn well you click to read the posts to understand the context. and so does anyone else with half a brain Gato. Also what was quoted you had to have read and it was enough to understand what I was getting at.
If you truly can't read my posts I feel really sorry for you. You would have to be one of the smallest minded simpletons on the planet to not be able to handle a dissenting opinion.

What a sad little man you must be.
And I say that because ignore is for pussies. Never used it myself (except on SnP for about 5 minutes, just to try and understand how it works).
And how very un-American as well. Nice to know we have people who cant handle freedom of speech attempting to defend the right to it. I have a lot of respect for the job, but any I had for you is waning quickly.
AND BTW, Mods/Admins, as far as he is going to perpetuate the myth that he doesn't read my posts, you ought to take him at his word on that, and realize that the "personal attack" if you feel any is actually implied, needs no editing, since he can't bear to read it anyway, and even if he does, will refuse to acknowledge it. Besides if his big ACT isn't one of the most thinly veiled personal attack campaigns ever waged against a member here and he can't handle a little heat in the "real world" then this place has gone too PC for my liking. If he's a big enough boy to kill in the name of his country, he ought to be able to handle it, because we all know he IS gonna read this.
Oh and I should hope that no action is taken against him. Sure he is skating thin ice, with his game, but personally I love it, because I know better. I am offended, but I am a big boy, I can handle it, and I don't need ignore, and the one time I remember whining to you about someone's actions I was quite justified, and that ought to be proof positive I personally don't bother with ignore. It's just that I despise hypocrisy (even when I find it in me) and am quick to attack it.
Allow me also to say if he quits going out of his way to shout to the world that I am on ignore, then I will be happy to put him on "I don't acknowledge you at all status", like I had "he who must not be named" on.
I didn't start this, but I'll let it rest, if he will quit trying to provoke me into landing myself amidst a disciplinary action, which is seems to me to be his aim. Anyone here knows I am a fiercely passionate hothead and perhaps "easily provoked".
What I have done here is public and honest intentionally, and I'll stand behind it 100%!