What's for dinner


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Tonight I made

"Mexican" Spagetti

(quotes due to the fact that this dish is in no way authentic)

Made a meat sauce out of bacon Chorizo sausage and salsa

over spagetti

and they liked it!!!



leslie made me do that.
Tonight we dine upon steak. These morsels of pure ambrosia shall be complimented by a thorough salad, grilled corn on the cob, most likely some manner of roll, and if all goes well some ice cream. I'm fasting already (well, I will be when I finish my coffee...)
i don't know what dinner tonight is going to be. i know there's gonna be a spinach salad with it though... gots me some spinach, some uncured bacon, red onion...

maybe i should grill something. it's kinda nice outside.
I am hoping tonights dinner will consist of Smoked Salmon, bagel, and onion.

And I am hoping Leslie reads this before she goes grocery shopping.
Going to a local Mexican fav for margaritas and fajitas and margaritas.

Happy Cinco De Mayo, Luis!
The first time I heard about Cinco de Mayo, I was an adult. It was a Corona ad, followed closely by a Miller ad. Just like St Patty's day, it's a brewery invention to selll more cerveza.
After Sat night I will not be consuming any tequila for quite some time...it was in honour of a mexican friend's birthday, not Cinco de Mayo, that we were drinking...but oh lordy did we drink.
I'm thinking I'll nuke some "Smart Ones" chicken enchiladas suiza for lunch in honor of Cinco de Mayo. :D

that is my absolute favorite smart ones. maybe even my favorite reasonably-nutritious microwaveable meal, period. enjoy yours... i can't eat those because i'm doing the the core plan on ww and i don't want to have to track points for it :(

tonight i had cream of wheat! i'd had a headache and taken a late nap, so wanted to eat something fairly light for dinner.
i celebrated cinco de mayo with a wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, having arrived at my hotel too late for fancier foodstuffs.

i hate driving in new jersey. the roads here were obviously designed by a bunch of dicks.
that is my absolute favorite smart ones. maybe even my favorite reasonably-nutritious microwaveable meal, period. enjoy yours... i can't eat those because i'm doing the the core plan on ww and i don't want to have to track points for it :(

tonight i had cream of wheat! i'd had a headache and taken a late nap, so wanted to eat something fairly light for dinner.

I'm so glad I gave up on ww. I know some people need the structure, but I much prefer doing things by calories rather than some asinine points plan. *shudder*
i celebrated cinco de mayo with a wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, having arrived at my hotel too late for fancier foodstuffs.

i hate driving in new jersey. the roads here were obviously designed by a bunch of dicks.

Jug handles my friend, are you friend :D