What's in a name: or how stupid can Liberals possibly be?


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You decide.

The Liberals are now venting their spleens over an inanimate object which heretofore satisfied their PC desires for all things organic. It was never a problem until August 29, 2008. Now they shun what they used to embrace because of ... its name.


Palin Syrah: Wine Drinkers Balk at a Chilean Wine With Hints of Alaska
by FOXNews.com
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


By Jennifer Lawinski

An organic wine from Chile has oenophiles in San Francisco turning up their noses. But there’s nothing wrong with the wine. It’s the name that bothers them:

Palin Syrah.

The wine from a boutique vineyard in Chile was once a strong seller, but now it’s an outcast in the City by the Bay because its name comes way too close to a certain governor from the state of Alaska, says Celine Guillou, co-owner of the Yield Wine Bar.

Palin Syrah — pronounced Pay-LEEN — takes its name from a ball used in a Chilean-style hockey game, and it has been on the bar’s wine list for a while. But sales have plummeted ever since John McCain named Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

Click here to see photos of the controversial Syrah.

Before McCain made his announcement it was selling very well, because it’s an affordable wine and it’s from South America,” Guillou said. “Then he made his announcement and we hear people making comments constantly about the wine.”

Each wine on the Yield Wine Bar’s list has a description, and Palin Syrah is described as: tastes of “white pepper” and “madrone” - an evergreen found in the Pacific Northwest.

Guillou said customers have now made a sport of ad-libbing their own descriptions. “People started making suggestions like gunpowder, moose meat, hockey mom - the list goes on and on. It’s funny, but it’s all we’ve heard for the last couple weeks.”

Now that the wine has been unofficially blacklisted by San Franciscans, its place on Yield Wine Bar’s list is threatened. “I think people try to see the humor in it, but we’re in San Francisco, so most of the people we have in I’m going to suspect are fairly liberal(?). People like to joke about it, but for some people it evokes quite a visceral reaction,” Guillou said.

David Hinkle, a wine buyer with North Berkeley Wine in Berkeley, Calif., which is the West Coast importer for Palin Syrah, said the wine’s Chilean producer called him to ask if he thought McCain’s pick would have any effect on sales. So far, he said, they have remained stable. In addition to the Palin Syrah, the Palin vineyard also produces Palin Carménère and Palin Cabernet Sauvignon.

But it appears that not everyone in the U.S. wants to put a cork in Palin Syrah.

In Houston, Palin Syrah has been flying off the shelves at Cepage Noir Wine Company. The store, in the Republican stronghold of Texas, once had cases stacked 20 high, but now only 74 bottles remain.

And sales have been strong even in solidly Democratic New York City. Appellation Wine and Spirits has carried Palin Syrah for about six months, and sales have spiked since Sarah Palin hit the national political scene.

“I think is that some of the reason is that some people are going to buy it and cross out her name and maybe write Obama or Biden’s name,” shop owner Scott Pactor said.

Another reason could be Palin Syrah’s appealing $12.99 price, which is suddenly very attractive down on Wall Street. “As the economy has more challenges, people are looking for less expensive wine,” Pactor said.

Since McCain picked Sarah Palin, Palin Syrah has caused as many heated debates among wine shoppers as the candidate has among voters.

“We’ve had couples come in and one in the couple will say, ‘We’re definitely not buying this,’ and the other half of the couple is curious and they want to try the wine, so it becomes a bit of a debate,” Pactor said. “It’s been very funny. Its funny to see how much conversation can be generated over a single name.”

To be fair and balanced, Pactor said, he’s looking to give Democrat supporters an option, too.

“We’re also in the process of looking for an Obama wine or a Biden wine, just to be balanced, obviously, just to be balanced. We want to make sure customers have options, but so far we haven’t been successful,” he said.

Back in California, Guillou said that although San Franciscans aren’t shy about expressing their liberal leanings, it’s too early to sound the death knell for Palin Syrah.

“We might have a group of Republicans who come in to try and bring the sales up,” she said.

“Who knows? Eventually the sales could be tied to how she does in the polls. You have to appreciate San Francisco for what it is, I guess.”
What is in a name

With all the cons yelling barack HUSSEIN obama.

You mean like:

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson
  • Ronald Wilson Reagan
  • George Herbert Walker Bush
  • William Jefferson Clinton
  • George Walker Bush
  • Hillary Rodham Clinton

Why is Obama's middle name off limits?

We can't talk about his ears.

We can't talk about his mother.

We can't talk about his father.

We can't talk about his grandmother.

We can't talk about his wife.

We can't talk about his preacher.

We can't talk about his terrorist friends.

We can't talk about his voting record.

We can't talk about his religion.

We can't talk about his appeasement.

We can't talk about his color.

We can't talk about his lack of color.

We can't talk about his race.

We can't talk about bombers and mobsters who are his friends.

We can't talk about his schooling.

We can't talk about his middle name, "Hussein."

We can't talk about his lack of experience.

We can't talk about his income.

We can't talk about his flag pin.

We can't call him a liberal.

Now we can't say anything about him.

What is it with you guys and the suppression of speech and facts?
Delano was never said in a derogatory manner like it was an insult. Folks say Hussein that it has connotations.
new world syrah is shit anyway.

if anything, the folks who make the wine should change the name. i'd be concerned that if i drank it, i'd become prone to parroting truisms like "the economy is in crisis mode" and unable to put together a complete sentence.

but don't take my word for it...


You mean like this?


or this?


The Obama "Uh" count from Letterman.


And how does he do when the teleprompter goes on the blink?

And of the rest of the things I listed that are off limits ... ???

I cannot attest to that and I will agree that he comes off thin-skinned but the name thing is stupid as: 1. He is wholly unresponsible for his name and 2. It's a proper noun not an adjective.
that's great and all jim, and we all have our moments and silly-sounding fall-back discourse markers ("uh," "well," "like," et cetera) but obama's ability to put together a coherent thought is not what is being questioned. it's palin's. i'd love for you to collect a bunch of video clips of her sounding coherent, and saying things that are indicative of original thought. you roll out her best, and then let's pick her statements apart for clarity and coherence, originality, and reasoning, et cetera.

i think you'll be very pleased with the results. :coffee:

in fact, when you're ready to begin, why don't ya start another thread? i'll promise to keep my potty mouth in check and only pursue her points (or lack thereof).

okay, go.
in fact, when you're ready to begin, why don't ya start another thread? i'll promise to keep my potty mouth in check and only pursue her points (or lack thereof).

okay, go.

You will find it HERE. Any time you are ready, Sir; but right now I have to start dinner. Be back.
or how stupid can Liberals possibly be?

Politics aside, it's far, far from a Liberal issue. People are stupid. Say it with me. People are stupid. Why? Because they want to be. Thinking for yourself is work, and they're lazy. Most of these people would happily go back to believing that the world is flat, and we've never been to the moon. They believe that the dollar is backed by something real, and that they actually pick who leads them. They're peasants who've been forced to shoulder a burden they're not physically or mentally prepared to deal with ... Equality with their betters.

I'll try to explain it better. People are classed as omnivores. That might be digestively true, but mentally, it's not. The split between herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore in the human race is clear and evident. The herbivore strain are the peasants, the omnivore the artisans, and the carnivores the patricians. Expecting the peasant to control his own destiny makes as much sense as teaching a cow to hunt wolves.