What's it like?


New Member
Ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day?

Of course you have! If only to find out what an orgasm is like for them.

So, for those of you have dared to wonder - here you go....a little simulation of what it's like on the other side

That looks like a messed up version from one that I saw a few years back. The time scale is a bit wonky ... as in going way too fast.
AlphaTroll said:
Indeed there is....but do they really count if the 20 seconds you use are 3 hours apart? :winkkiss:

3 hours! bejesus......I'm not that old yet :eek13:

(mind you, s'not a bad idea........could catch up on some sleep, read a book, go to the pub etc)
Yeah - really take your time to recharge the batteries......;)

Of course, you could use those 3 hours for foreplay - that way the 20 seconds won't seem so short :brow:
This was a nice variation on an old joke...mucho-karma for you ;)

I can't help but think that if I was a woman for a day, it'd keep slamming my knockers into walls and corners (forgetting that they were out there, ya know).... but then, I'd have to keep kissing them better.... :)

Time for a mental-health day :)
To be accurate for a man, it should be a 1 second buzz, .5 second pause, 1 second buzz, .5 second pause, .5 buzz, .5 pause, .5 buzz, .pause, followed by some really wild facial expressions.
AlphaTroll said:
Yeah - really take your time to recharge the batteries......;)

Of course, you could use those 3 hours for foreplay - that way the 20 seconds won't seem so short :brow:

Foreplay? Yer know that you ladies only get special attention on birthdays, christmas...........and when a bloke has a three day drinking, erm, fishing trip planned with his mates :winkkiss:
I have to agree Unc, and those facial expressions are the only way you can tell a man can't fake an orgasm.'Cos hot damn, no-one would pull their face like that just for the heck of it.

I've often wondered if the male orgasm is painful the way some guys pull their faces :eh: