Whats the deal with corporal punishment?


Whats up these days? Or these last couple of decades? I don't really have an opinion on it because I'm not well informed, but if someone would inform me I would be grateful. All I know is that I've been punished this way an uncountable number of times (parents, police, school) and I doubt it hurt my psychological development. I do think it made me a better man though. (I am not talking about flogging someone to near death. I've witnessed a flogging and it is horrific.)

Whats your opinion, and how have you been punished as a kid?
I am father of two.

I do not think Corp Pun is a BAD thing. It did me some good also.

However... I dont want someone hitting my children. Let me know, I or my wife will handle it. But then there are those parents that wont handle it.

It's a hard subject, it's not "black and white". Personally, I think it is up to the parents to discipline the child. And if immediate discipline is needed, then something other then physical punishment should be implemented, and the parents should also punish the child.
LastLegionary You must have great parents because you seem like a well rounded young fellow. Not used to meeting young conservatives
(and you are a conservative). I agree that it is up to the parents. If some parents can go their childrens entire childhood without hitting them GREAT. But if my three year old daughter attempts to run out in traffic i find that smacking her butt helps her remember not to do that again better than anything else.
I agree with Cleveland on this. I have a paddle, made of plywood, with about a one foot handle. I can tell you from personal experience that it hurts. If my children get out of line at home, they get the paddle. Now, not every thing they do gets it, but if it's serious, they do.

At school, the teachers have other methods of punishment, they can use in school suspension, detention(My personal favorite) or other means to punish my child. If it is something very serious, then they know to call me, and if at all possible, I will be there to get them, and they will get the paddle when we get home.

Now, I also want to say that I have not paddled any of my children in over a year. After the first couple, they realize that I will do it, and they don't want it again.
its interesting, i believe that it is a parents perogative to use these forms of punishment [within reasonable grounds of coure] should they see fit.

however, i saw a very interesting program on parents with unruly children that use smacking as a deterent to bad behaviour. a child psychologist suggested to them that they try alternative methods of keeping their children in line [reward, reason etc] and the results with the children were certainly compelling and quite persuasive.

i think if i were a parent i would endeavour never to smack my children, certainly after seeing the other methods that were used. i was smacked a few times, incredibly rarely, i don't think it did me any harm but then i don't know what i would be like without it.
I love my parents :) Even though I hated them every time they paddled me, but now I can see that it was needed and I actually appreciates it. When I have children I will probably follow the same path my parents did with me. :)

however, i saw a very interesting program on parents with unruly children that use smacking as a deterent to bad behaviour. a child psychologist suggested to them that they try alternative methods of keeping their children in line [reward, reason etc] and the results with the children were certainly compelling and quite persuasive.
Hm, I don't know about this. I don't trust a psychologist as far as I can throw him, and seeing today's kids is a very strong argument NOT to follow these "modern" ideas.
i was dubious too, but the way in which the kids responded was very interesting and thought provoking.
My parents did hit me when I did something really out of line. I really hated them for that when I was a little kid (but on the other hand, doesn't every kid think that way at that moment? :))...
But now I really appreciate them for doing that, 'cause my little neighbourkids are treated so softly by their parents, and they're so annoying and they can get away with everything they do.

I would raise my kids the same way I've been raised...don't hit them for every mishap, but if needed, a good smack on the ass can really help :)

Corporal punishment at school is rediculous IMO. School isn't suppose to raise the kids, but the parents are. If school has a problem with the kid's behaviour, they should take it up with the parents. THEY are the ones who should handle it, not the teachers.
ris said:
i was dubious too, but the way in which the kids responded was very interesting and thought provoking.
eh? The last 20 or so years corporal punishment has disappeared from a large part of the world. Today's teens demonstrate that results. Not very successful in my opinion.
Hm ok, I don't know about corporal punishment in schools. I haven't made up my mind yet, although I got a decent amount at school. But what about in the judicial system? Its very common in Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and Malaysia for a judge to sentence a teen to a beating with a cane. I personally think its great! Just add a little community service in, and you don't even need to fine him (his parents will probably pay it), or jail him (taking him out of school and society at that age?). Of course I'm not talking about serious crimes, but for minor offenses (like disturbing the peace, etc.).
the way the kids respoded to corporal punishment in the home was interesting. it is not a statement attacking it, i have not even stated my position on corporal punishment strongly into one camp or the other.

incidentally, you professed to not having an opinion on it as you are not well informed, yet when even anecdotal, lightly given information to the contrary of using corporal punishment you jump on it.

it seems clear that a heated debate about it is what you are after and i am sorry but will not be drawn into one. not with methods such as that.
Ah sorry, actually I wasn't after a debate at all. I would have posted it in the Real Life forum... I'm more interested if that was included in your upbringing, and if you are bringing your children up that way :)
isn't that supposed to be illegal in many countries?

corp punishment should only be given when they really get out of the line, otherwise talking to them or some other form of punishment should be implemented, like no tv, no puter, no ps2 and such.
Well, that's a touchy one, Luis. The thing is, child abuse is illegal, however, there is a very fine line between child abuse and punishment. As long as you are just spanking, it's punishment, anything more, it's abuse. Now alot of people would disagree with me on this, and there are several different thoughts on this.

As for the schools, that's another vague area. Schools are run by the states, and the state technically make the decisions about how they are run, however in order to get Federal money, you have to follow federal guidelines, one of which is no corporal punishment. It's not exactly forbidden, but looked down upon greatly. Also the influx of lawsuits has made several schools and states decide that corporal punishment is not a good thing.
Luis G said:
isn't that supposed to be illegal in many countries?

corp punishment should only be given when they really get out of the line, otherwise talking to them or some other form of punishment should be implemented, like no tv, no puter, no ps2 and such.

No PS2? :eek:

That's even more cruel than being spanked :D

OK, just kiddin'...trying to lighten things up a little, ok? ;)
I remember when i had a canadian family as neighbours, they had 3 kids, two girls and one boy, they applied the "no corp punishment", didn't work, i remember the little boy was a pain in the ass, always doing what he wanted, and he had no respect for his parents.

Another family, went to live to the states, after a while their little child were actually THREATENING (sp?) his mother, he basically told her that he could do whatever he wanted, and she should not touch him, otherwise he would go and fill a lawsuit against her. They came back to Mexico, the mother "kicked his ass" and he got disciplinated (sp?).

From my experience, a couple of smacks in the ass is needed from time to time, i can't stand when a mother protect his son from being punished by his father, she's just raising a little son of a bitch, believe me, i've seen it.
Luis is agreeing with me. :eek4:

I got punished a few times with that no TV, no computer, etc crap. It annoyed me, but it was no where near as effective as a spanking. Punishment over time is just a pain and never did anything for me except help me sit down and plot my next act of mischief. lol.