What's the most importANT "THING" in your life?


New Member
Anything..... from coffee, to sex, to family, or to that new car you always wanted.

BTW, "HI, GUYS" .... I'm still around and check these baords often, just rarely have time to post.
hmmmmmm...........that's a tough one......

gonna have to think about it
yeah, what i thought, i could have posted a few candidates.....but that would not complain with the intention of this thread
A very, very close friend.

"For there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." --Proverbs 18:24b
Hm family? I value my family very much indeed. I have a fantastic, caring family, but yet I want (and have) a very, very close friend (not necessarily a spouse, mine certainly isn't, and mine is also the same sex as me) with whom I can share my inner most feelings and know he or she will always be there for me.

Gee I'm getting emotional.
PT..... can you elaborate? "Family" ..... Mom and Dad.... Or Spouse and children?

My wife IS my best friend. And my Daughter and Son are who I live for.

I'm one of those guys who's parents could never find the right person, and was given a BAD taste for marriage. I wasn't EVER getting married, then I met my wife..... but still didnt want kids.... then we had one.... then I wanted another..... If seven years ago someone would have told me I'd be where I am, I would NEVER have believed them.

I was just seeing how many people out there felt the same...
Cleveland said:
PT..... can you elaborate? "Family" ..... Mom and Dad.... Or Spouse and children?

Wife and kids. Not to say my Mother and my Brothers aren't important to me, but I live my life for my wife and children. They are the reason I work, the reason I coach little league, the reason I do most everything in my life. And they give more back to me than I could ever give.

although design does come pretty close, without it i'd probly go a bit stir but at least with my friends around i know i'd be alright :)
ok, after thinking about it, i just came to this:


a family will be the most important thing in my life when i have one, but in the current stage of my life, i just have to say.......me
I'm not married yet, not even in a very close long term relationship with a possible girl. So I can't elaborate there. I might change my mind, but I doubt it. :)
HomeLAN said:
My wife, first and foremost. My son is a really close second.
It's surprising how much guys put their wives above sons(I would probably do it also if I had both). But if you ask the women I bet they'll place the chilldren above the husbands. I guess it's their nature...
AlladinSane said:
It's also surprising none has mentioned God yet...

Well, I thought he meant down to earth things. Of course I would put religion first, but a lot of people here are atheists and probably don't really want to hear that, so I avoid discussing religion so as not to offend anyone. :)
Sorry to be unoriginal but...it has to be family and friends. The people you have grown up with and see everyday solely because you want to see them, are important.
At the moment: my girlfriend (but that's because she's the first in... well, 19 years, and it happened about 28 hours ago, so that's the only thing in my mind right now, along with the link to this board :headbang: )

Overall: family for sure...