Professur said:I think I'll just save that comment for later.
You do that.
Professur said:I think I'll just save that comment for later.
Professur said:Do you have any idea how silly I'd look wearing a set of those?
BeardofPants said:I dunno, a nice bright set of red balls might be festive.![]()
BeardofPants said:Mebbe a lil' bell on the end?
Professur said:Oh, it's always got bells on it, it does.
Maybe you're able to use your facade as a fungi to break down women's defenses. ^_^Professur said:And As for how a mushroom rapes and pillages? With style, dah-lin. With style..
AlphaTroll said:Yegads, I have a disturbingly hilarious show of dancing nuns, Ni soldiers, onions and African swallows going on in here...and the mushrooms....always the damned mushrooms...