What's wrong with this picture

If it were happening here, or if I were in Australia, that's the only reason I would give a shit. Him/her changing sexes doesn't affect me but I shouldn't have to help pay for it. It's pretty obvious to me s/he is only going to all the trouble of going through the court, instead of waiting less than a year and getting it done with no legal trouble at all, in order to get the government to pay for it.
it was a joke, mister serious.

what do you expect when you post shit about boob-ectomies of this sort?

lighten up, francis.

Excellent quote, sir, excellent.
And in other news...

She-male' prostitute jailed for assault
By MEGAN GILLIS, Courts Bureau
The Ottawa Sun

OTTAWA - A self-described “she-male” prostitute was sentenced to 30 days in jail Tuesday for a fifth assault conviction — this time punching a man who said he took a cab across town for a platonic chat.

Anthony “Vanessa” Kulwartian, 29, was convicted of assaulting Keith Maheux — whom the prostitute insisted was a “bad date” — on March 27, 2009.

Kulwartian has to understand that continuing to assault people will result in jail time, Ontario Court Justice Stephen Hunter said.

“Anyone in the sex trade does face those extra risks to be sure but so do the customers from time to time,” he said.

Kulwartian wept when it became clear a jail sentence and probation was in the offing then muttered angrily and fidgeted with a handbag as it was imposed.

“I’ll lose my housing,” Kulwartian complained loudly. “I’ll be in the woman’s shelter again and I’ll be prostituting again. It’s a cycle.”

Kulwartian’s lawyer Karen Reid had asked for house arrest, which would have kept the hooker in the Heatherington home where the assault took place.

Kulwartian — who does hair and make-up for women in a shelter — is a homebody with a cat who would comply with conditions, Reid argued.

“This is simply the cost of doing business for this gentleman,” prosecutor Vivian-Lee Stewart said of the jail time, noting that Kulwartian has a history of turning to violence when facing difficult situations as a prostitute.

Instead, Kulwartian needs to get a legitimate job and out of the sex trade, Stewart said.

Maheux testified that Kulwartian, whom he thought was a woman, said after they met on a chat line that there wouldn’t be any sex or money but then demanded cash and assaulted him.


I wonder how the wimmen at that shelter feel about sharing their roof with a man in a dress, who has multiple assault convictions?
If it were happening here, or if I were in Australia, that's the only reason I would give a shit. Him/her changing sexes doesn't affect me but I shouldn't have to help pay for it. It's pretty obvious to me s/he is only going to all the trouble of going through the court, instead of waiting less than a year and getting it done with no legal trouble at all, in order to get the government to pay for it.

A cogent post sir! Why some folks have to look at this stuff and condemn another they have no understanding of or exercise no empathy for is beyond me. Many folks are born with chromosomal disorders, that make them feel this way, but no matter the reasoning it's nobody's business but his. What amazes me the most is the shocking and appalling hypocrisy of the political right in such issues. You people call for freedom and more freedom, but only if you, in your narrow minded view of the world approve of what others do with their freedom. Shame on all of you who do that, you know who you are!
AWhat amazes me the most is the shocking and appalling hypocrisy of the political right in such issues. You people call for freedom and more freedom, but only if you, in your narrow minded view of the world approve of what others do with their freedom.

Say what? You are free to addadick or chop your tits or whatever the fuck you want to do. You just don't have any right to my tax dollars.

Freedom means you can take care of it yourself.
Say what? You are free to addadick or chop your tits or whatever the fuck you want to do. You just don't have any right to my tax dollars.

Freedom means you can take care of it yourself.

First off, what does AUSTRALIA have to do with the pittance any of us Americans here from OTC (or even Canuckistanis) pay in tax?

Secondly, I am going to stop debating with these again:


And those who have the tendency to do a lot of this as well:





And people who by way of the above are like this but refer to others as such:


And people who do not see to understand where their business ends and other's starts!


Now I'm not naming names, but if you feel like I am talking to you, then you probably seem like you own it to me! I wasn't naming names when I posted my first post in this thred, but are you feeling guilty of a bit of that?

The second that your business takes anything from me, it's my business.

Well that's a simple fix! Just be a Freeman and don't pay taxes! Opt out, after all you owe your country nothing and they owe you complete freedom to do as you please! Plus an infrastructure to help you do it!
Instead, I'd prefer the sponges get off their ass & take care of themselves.

I have no problem paying a small tax to pay for legitimate government expenses.

I've served my country & I participcate in politics...what more is there