What's your Favorite romantic movie?

I love movies that make me cry, like ...

A Walk to Remember
The Love Letter

I'm sure miki & nalani will add to my list!!
When A Man Loves A Woman.

Just saw it again yesterday, and it makes me cry every time.
HeXp£Øi± said:

That's a great one... "Smoke gets in your eyes" is a great song too, can't hear it without thinking of that movie.

City of Angels

(I'm judging based solely on how much the movie makes me cry when I see it)
I can't go by movies that make me cry. The ones that make me cry are like Empire of the sun, Schindlers list etc. Far from romantic.
american president
officer and a gentleman
shakespere in love

i picked these because i was dragged to them, kicking and screaming, by g/f's past and present figuring i would be bored senseless but ended up enjoying them.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I can't go by movies that make me cry. The ones that make me cry are like Empire of the sun, Schindlers list etc. Far from romantic.

It depends on what you mean by romantic. The term has been perverted by use until it's become synonmous with 'sappy love story'. Originally, though, it referred to works of art that were concerned with presenting concrete representations of abstract human values, like the works of Hugo, Dostoevsky, Tchaichovsky, etc. In that sense, I think that Schindler's List and Empire of the Sun probably count... definitely SL, I would have to think about EotS more.
Yeah, there's nothing like some romantic incest when Luke and Leia make out. :eek:

Personally, I was going to say The Matrix.
Ardsgaine, i thought someone might bring that up. I guess if one really wanted argue the point one could say that to be romantic whatever 'it' is should bring forth some feeling of enjoyment or atleast an emotionally positive manifestation of one sort or another.
american president
the freshman
i dont know if it counts but Rocky horror picture show
10 things i hate about you
Romeo and Juliet
Sleepless in Seattle