What's your number?

One entry found for slut.
Main Entry: slut
Pronunciation: 'sl&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English slutte
1 chiefly British : a slovenly woman
2 a : a promiscuous woman; especially : PROSTITUTE b : a saucy girl : MINX
- slut·tish /'sl&-tish/ adjective
- slut·tish·ly adverb
- slut·tish·ness noun
- slut·ty /'sl&-tE/ adjective
Winky said:
I believe the point of this exercise
is to determine if you are a slut.

Funny how only sluts don't know if they are sluts?

cuz the other people know a slut when they see one?

Possibly the only thing worse than a slut that claims
not to be one is A proud slut?

Or possibly one that doesn't care? :shrug:

And so won't rise to the bait... troll!
Winky said:
Now that's two fuckin' funny!

If you're going to try and be witty and damning at the same time in repartee... at least be correct...

Two dear... comes after one! Too, which i assume is what you meant means "excessive or overly"
Thank teach I fergots and typed 2 on porpoise
A quick read of the article I posted will show that men only
'care' if you are NOT a slut.

And a vague understanding of the definition of the word
shows that it is a word used to define a female.

Now I'm prudy sure I know what kind of woman would
want a marriage proposal from a male-slut.

When I was a kid a girl didn’t desire the term slut
to be associated to her, the times they are changin’ lol
when we were packing up rob's dad's house i grabbed rob's deceased brother's tarot cards...anyone piddle with these?
Nope, but if you learn, do mine!

Oh, did you happen to receive the questions I sent about LASIK about 4 days ago and forgot to ask you about?