Whats your real name....

greenfreak said:
I thought that was the other way around, that mods can't put people on their ignore lists. But I can put you on mine...? :shrug:

When I started taking Spanish in school, the first day Ms. Ernst gave us all our "spanish" names. Juan, Alehandro, etc. And when she got to me, she pronounced it "Pah-tree-see-ah" as if it was a big deal!

I was the only one in the class that got totally jipped on the Spanish name. Why couldn't it have been something nicer like Juanita or Consuelo?? :mad:

Consuelo is the male. Consuela is the female. Also, Consuela means 'pacifier', or 'peace-maker'.
That definitely isn't me then. :D

How about María Fernanda? ;)

It is the perfect name for a real woman with solid personality and preferably red head.
All I think of when I hear Maria is that song from West Side Story. But I'm hearing Walter Mathau singing it. Mariiiiaaaa, tonight I met a girl named Mariiiiiaaaaaa!

C'mon man, I want something with ZIP!

greenfreak said:
All I think of when I hear Maria is that song from West Side Story. But I'm hearing Walter Mathau singing it. Mariiiiaaaa, tonight I met a girl named Mariiiiiaaaaaa!

Do you have any other mental problems??? Have you discussed this with Rusty yet???

*Quietly puts away 2X4*

Obviously, I won't be needing that anymore. There simply won't be enough of him left.
chcr said:
Do you have any other mental problems??? Have you discussed this with Rusty yet???

Hey listen, if you were a fan of the Grumpy Old Men movies like I am, it wouldn't seem so strange.

And I can't help but notice I still don't have a snappy spanish name. Damn Luis to Hell.
Inkara1 said:
You'll be too busy trying to get a Viagra prescription, old man. :D

Viagra? Are you fucking nuts? I've already got three kids. I'm looking for something to make the bastard go down, not up.
Professur said:
Viagra? Are you fucking nuts? I've already got three kids. I'm looking for something to make the bastard go down, not up.

Allow me to introduce you to my ex-wife. I guarantee that'll do the trick.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Last time I did that, she got out somehow. I think she might have eaten the back seat...

that's when you make sure to put something in her mouth, tape it shut, tie up her arms and legs like they do in the rodeo and transport her that way. :lol2:
Professur said:
You could bring her to the BBQ.
Problem is, if he sticks her in the trunk it will take too much weight off the front wheels and the steering will be adversely affected.