When do the rights of one restrict the rights of another?


Well-Known Member

Prof Aziz Sheikh called for “faith-based health services”. He wants same-sex doctors, information to ensure treatments do not contain alcohol or pork, extra prayer rooms and circumcision for baby boys on the NHS.

The professor, from Edinburgh University, said in the British Medical Journal: “Muslims have the poorest overall health profile but there are few faith-centred initiatives aiming to improve health outcomes for our largest minority faith community.

“Many Muslims, to maintain modesty, prefer to see a same-sex clinician but such choice is typically unavailable. Male infant circumcision should be available throughout the NHS and more access is needed to prayer facilities.”

But Prof Aneez Esmail, of Manchester University, said: “It’s not practical. Members of the same religion are not all the same and their needs may be different. Going down this path risks stereotyping.”
Ahh fuck it, I'm going to buy 200 acres in Wyoming, mount a BAR on the roof of the house and they can haul me away in a body bag...
When do the rights of one restrict the rights of another?

Never. If we all have the right to (fill in the blank here) then nobody is being suprpessed. When one right is supplanted by another, it's is no longer a right.

Keep the government out of our way & out of our lives.
It happens to everyone because everybody feels the need to enforce their beliefs on the masses. Everyone feels they have to have some form of law that considers their beliefs. They are stupid and boring and unnecessary and clog the system.
How wonderful would life be if folks just STFU and went about their lives attending to their own damn business?
It happens to everyone because everybody feels the need to enforce their beliefs on the masses.

Not everybody.
