When environmentalist and reality collide, or ...

flavio said:
Well, I'd have to know what your solution was to see if it fit the definition.

My choice was simply let them start their own damn religion that would let them do as they please. Preferable starting with coming up with a new word for the civil union they so desire, and leaving the word and definition of marriage as it's stood for the last 10,000 years or so.
I don't know that it's homophobic but there'd probably be a better word to describe the idea of creating a religion for the sole purpose of not using a word that every other religion is allowed to use. I don't know what it would be...that's a strange one.
Sadly no. Needless to say, I'd just as soon see those "civil" marriages dumped back to the same "Civil union" definition that gays were already entitled to.
Professur said:
Makes the use of napalm have a whole new meaning in Iraq, don't it?

Well ,burning alive they seem to have no problem with,its the burning of the dead,that annoys them.