When I grow up...

All I thought about back then was which tree was next to be conquered by Kate-The-Great!!

No shit.

Didn't care about anything past next Saturday's cartoons.
I'm a scientist - Environmental Biologist to be exact - with a special interest in atmospheric pollution and remote satillite observation. Of course that would mean there's little chance of my getting off this mudball officially. :D

These days you don't have to be a pilot to be an astornaut though, but unfortunately I'm not thin enough or fit enough, but who knows what might happen in the future? Give it 20 years and we may all be holidaying on the international space station. ;)
I remember wanting to be a policeman or a fireman. Now I have no desire to do either. Since about 13, I knew I wanted to work in computers, and that's where I am.
PuterTutor said:
I remember wanting to be a policeman or a fireman. Now I have no desire to do either. Since about 13, I knew I wanted to work in computers, and that's where I am.

a pimp! :bgpimp: :lol:

well first it was the navy cos I wanted to play with the Phalanxes :devious: but then it was the airforce because I wanted to play AGAINST the phalanxes and the idea of coming in at 150ft and strafing something is a very cool image to me. Then I played my first PC game and from then on thats all I ever wanted to do. Make games. Havent succeeded yet but Im trying :)
I wanted to be an astronaut or vet ... I guess that's one of the more common answers :shrug: For a while, I wanted to be a judge too. :D
Hmm. About 5 years ago (at 10, DUH) I wanted to be an explorer and travel all over the world. Also, I wanted to be a paleontologist. Hell, I still want to be a paleontologist, and a geologist(sp?) :devious:
Let's see, I wanted to be a sports reporter, then I was for the high school paper and decided I didnt like beat-reporting, and I sucked at it because I hated it. I loved column writting (I won several awards, woo hoo), but to get a column you have to pay your dues as a beat writter and I decided I wasn't that interested.

Wanted to be an architect when I was in elementary school, bt that faded when I wanted to be the sports reporter. Currently I am an IT guy, specializing in routing and switching (mostly routing). It's pretty cool, if you are a geek.

I wanted to be a cop. Maybe a fireman. Doctor crossed my mind once. Then I looked at my hands and realized I'd never be a neurosurgeon. Not with THAT shake.

Anyway, now I want to be a software writer. I want to write games, applications for doin' stuff, and make good web pages.

I'm going to study a bunch of this stuff in college. Knowing more about networking and some business management skills wouldn't be a bad idea either.

I don't think of myself as grown up, actually. We all want to hold onto our childhood. I've got mine in an iron-fisted death grip. So, when I grow up, I want to be richer. I don't know how I'll do it, but hey, it's not the future yet, and I'm not psychic. :p
steweygrrrr said:
a pimp! :bgpimp: :lol:

well first it was the navy cos I wanted to play with the Phalanxes :devious: but then it was the airforce because I wanted to play AGAINST the phalanxes and the idea of coming in at 150ft and strafing something is a very cool image to me. Then I played my first PC game and from then on thats all I ever wanted to do. Make games. Havent succeeded yet but Im trying :)

I made a game in VB6 called "Catch the Postman". It involves a race between a postman and a dog. The dog had to catch the postman before he got to post the letter through the front door... if he did he won, but if the postman got to the door first then he won. Katie loves it.
Do you know anywhere I can get DarkBasic for cheap? I dabbled with it at uni. V. good for the test coding