When on your bike, bring your horseshoes...


Well-Known Member
...you'll be needing them.

My neighbor came over last night for our usual walk and he had a story to tell us. Seems that he was on the way to work on his scooter one minute and the next, he was trying to stand up again a good 50 feet from where he'd been.

He was at a red light, some woman in the car behind him, also stopped but not pushing on the brake. Some guy in a SUV ran the previous light and then hit her car going somewhere in the 50-70km/hr range. Her car hit his scooter, which shot out from under him...he sat hard on her hood, bounced upwards and hit it again on the way down. Everything came to a full stop 50' from the stop-line.

He must've had a whole gross of horseshoes up his ass cause he doesn't have so much as a scratch. Somewhat sore though. No word on the bike, although it's probably fucked.

He's lucky that the SUV didn't hit him first.


So...anyone have any close calls on bikes, in cars, on foot? How lucky were you?

**I've got my own pair of accident stories where I should've died, but didn't. I'll post'em later.
Nor her... even though she freely admitted that her foot wasn't on the brake. :shrug:

At least buddy wasn't between two cars
Is it mandatory to push the break whenever you're already stopped and waiting for the green light?
Yup... stops your car from rolling forward or backward by itself, the brake light is a good warning sign as well. If she'd had hers on, he might never have hit her car...or at least, had a chance to brake before impact... which he didn't do.

I got slowly rolled into once while waiting for a light to change. The lady was chatting someone up on her cel phone and wasn't paying attention. She bumped me going about 5kph. Zero damage. I felt like breaking her little cel phone for her. Be-atch! :grumpy:
I didn't realize it was mandatory to have your foot on the break. I often slow down on the highway by just gliding, as break lights tend to have a serious ripple effect on traffic. Obviously I'll hit the breaks if I get close enough, but typically I don't have to. If the guy in the SUV had seen that the light was red, it wouldn't have been an issue... what an ass...
woodman19_99 said:
I didn't realize it was mandatory to have your foot on the break. I often slow down on the highway by just gliding, as break lights tend to have a serious ripple effect on traffic. Obviously I'll hit the breaks if I get close enough, but typically I don't have to. If the guy in the SUV had seen that the light was red, it wouldn't have been an issue... what an ass...
Ditto for me on highways... gliding should be enough for most occasions if you keep your distance.

This guy was at a red light on a city street though. That's where it's needed.
I'm not sure how this lady having her foot on the brake would have helped the SUV driver stop since he already ran one red light before hitting the lady.

And as a pre-emptive strike, before anyone comes out of the woodwork with their "fucking SUV drivers :mad:," I'd like to point out that this guy would have done the same thing if he were driving a Civic.
The only difference is inertia. SUVs have more than the Civic. :shrug:
*Brake distances and the 'yahoo factor' as well* -edit

My buddy's lucky that the SUV didn't hit him directly... there's no way that he would've ridden up that hood, the grills too damn high. He would've been rolled under.

I'm not sure how this lady having her foot on the brake would have helped the SUV driver stop since he already ran one red light before hitting the lady.

He might've noticed her and started braking before impact. Also, she wouldn't have shot forward as much. Two small differences, but there ya go. It wouldn't have stopped the accident...maybe lessened it somewhat.
SUVs do have more inertia, to be sure... but, an asshole is an asshole no matter what he's driving. I dare say that if he were driving a Civic, he still would have ran the red light and still would have rear-ended the lady... and your friend would have flown 40 feet instead of 50.
Granted... then again, I'm not knocking SUV drivers. Not here at least.

We were talking about it last night and he's wondering whether he should get back on the proverbial horse.
MrBishop said:
Granted... then again, I'm not knocking SUV drivers. Not here at least.
I know... but every time something like this comes up, a few people chime in with it. That happening ranks right up there with depopulation and revenue enhancement in the "certainty" category.
Inkara1 said:
I know... but every time something like this comes up, a few people chime in with it. That happening ranks right up there with depopulation and revenue enhancement in the "certainty" category.

Surely you're not referring to my "All SUV drivers should be made to push their SUVs up a steep hill" campain.
Prof? You still running that campaign? Can I join?
*me would love to watch those silly town SUV single driver dude(ettes) push their SUVs up a steep steep hill.
Professur said:
Wasn't Rene, was it?
That'd be him.
Get this...after they let him go...he walked home from Charley's butcher shoppe.

*At least the fireman who was holding his neck steady while waiting for the ambulance to show was nice enough to remove his new padded jacket after the neck brace was on but before they loaded him into the inflatable body-suit.

They would've cut it off of him at Charleys.
Professur said:
Tell him "hey" from me.

Sorry, I just can't see that big drink of water on a scooter.
4-stroke 49.5cc - not a bad size. Saves a buttload on gas..he's happy with it.

or he was until someone pushed in his back tire for him.

re: Hey - will do.
Professur said:
Surely you're not referring to my "All SUV drivers should be made to push their SUVs up a steep hill" campain.

where's the application to join?