When the free market fails


molṑn labé
Staff member
use legislation

Whether you like Rush or not, whether you like Franken or not, is up to you. Listen, don't, listen & get mad or listen and nod your head in agreeement, it's up to you.

Bringing back the fairness doctrine does nothing but limit speech. Legislating the content of free radio is Marxist.

Why is it when the left can't beat you with superior products they go & make the government bigger?
There’s nothing stopping the left from having their own talk radio shows.

(Well, ok, there is that pesky thing called "ratings.")

They intend to silence the medium that has been successful in countering their socialist propaganda broadcasting on three networks, two cable channels, and in most major newspapers. The ol' "of you can't beat 'em legislate 'em out of business" routine.

The libs don't hold with that whole "free choice" thing.
As I keep saying, marxists are leftists and fascists are rightists and the only significant difference between the two is marketing.
so where does that put us freedom lovin' conservatives?
and don't you dare say 'in the middle'

you keep saying the same wrong things

I'm so far right, I'm RIGHT!
You're a bit closer to the fascists than me but we're both well to the right of the marxists and most of the Democrats. ;)
I'll generally agree with your concept, chcr, when it comes to Republicants & Demoncrats. When it comes to liberal & conservative, they are not the same, with or without marketing.

When it comes to fascists & marxists-they're worlds apart in ideology but they are the same in method.
I'll generally agree with your concept, chcr, when it comes to Republicants & Demoncrats. When it comes to liberal & conservative, they are not the same, with or without marketing.

When it comes to fascists & marxists-they're worlds apart in ideology but they are the same in method.
If you weren't so concerned about belonging to one of those groups I suspect you'd see my point.
It's not belonging,,,it's about a matter of core principles that happen to be shared among a group, whether intended or not.
In my experience, the perceived "core values" of the group vary from individual to individual. In virtually any group.
The left would love to shut up the right. Why pretend they don't?

true enough. but the flip side is also true, and historically, the right's had the upper hand in who's shuttin' up who.

personally i like to hear both the left and the right mouth off. that way we learn to recognize the outward signs of genetic defect more readily.
I wanna see mass graves filled with those who don't agree with me!

Naplam, the smell of Victory!
well, the way I see it, if they wanna regulate speech, they need to first pass
the law/amendment, that English is the Official language.

That would at least be a start in the Correct direction.