When the RAM on a Geforce Ti4200 starts to go flaky.

Professur said:
Or you coulda sent it to me to fix it.

would be one bad momma to fix, gettin the video ram and all,and its voided warranty as its modded, so trash is the best place for it
You sure it was dead? I coulda looked at it and.. um... "verified" it... yeah, verified... :evilgrin:
had it roughly 4 months :eek: oh well, i always wanted back a radeon 9700, it was definetly dead fury, tried it at stock in many computers and it produced the same errors with the RAM, such as in UT2003 images would be 'flickering' ghosts of previous images etc. and the screen would get pixxeled and artifacted when playing games, no matter the speed of the card, below stock even. Tried taking and replacing the sink, no go as well diferent driver revisions etc..
does it come with those nifty ramsinks or did you add those?

i wish i had the money to break my 8500 in half get something that games a bit better in linux
came with em, though Hercules' opinion of quiet and my opinion of quiet sorta differs, 28db is all well and good on paper but its slightly annoying.