where´s everybody?

Originally posted by Luis G
Gringo only refers to people from the USA. It doesn't include british, canadians, australians or any other people that speaks english as their primary language.

The word comes from the war between Mexico and USA (the California and Texas one), i think that there was a green militar uniform, "green go"....

Main Entry: grin·go
Pronunciation: 'gri[ng]-(")gO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural gringos
Etymology: Spanish, alteration of griego Greek, stranger, from Latin Graecus Greek
Date: 1849
often disparaging : a foreigner in Spain or Latin America especially when of English or American origin; broadly : a non-Hispanic person
Originally posted by Luis G
Gringo only refers to people from the USA. It doesn't include british, canadians, australians or any other people that speaks english as their primary language.

The word comes from the war between Mexico and USA (the California and Texas one), i think that there was a green militar uniform, "green go"....

Sorry Luis, as an American with hispanic origins & a multi generational native Arizonan that is bullshit. That may be the explanation used in your neck of the woods, but where I'm from, it's equivalent to calling Mexicans wetbacks.
During the United States' war with Mexico, New Orleans was saturated with military activities. The city had not seen that much war readiness involvement since the Battle of New Orleans. In a strange way it seemed somewhat of a joyous time. With spirits running high, military men became infatuated with a popular song entitled Green Gros. They sang it every chance that presented itself. They sang the song while they marched, and they sang it when they were not marching. The Mexicans, hearing the song incessantly, began referring to all Americans as Green-gros, or in time, gringos. After approximately 150 years, the term is still used when Mexicans refer to Americans.

Of course, this is all a nice urban fable as there is documented evidence that word existed well prior to the war. The word is believed to be derived from the root for Greek, and means one who speaks Spanish with an accent. There is still a Celtic connection as one theory holds that it was first used to describe the accent of the Irish who arrived in Spain during the Flight of the Earls.
So does this mean it's ok for me to call another member an asshole now? It wasn't alright before but what's good for one is good for all, right? Good, I'm glad I got that straight.

Although I really wish I could, I can't comment on any of this. :(
Originally posted by greenfreak
So does this mean it's ok for me to call another member an asshole now? It wasn't alright before but what's good for one is good for all, right? Good, I'm glad I got that straight.

Although I really wish I could, I can't comment on any of this. :(

Greenfreak is correct. If I am to be a good mod, the next time a personal attack occurs, it will need to be edited. I think we are going to have to be fair and treat everyone the same way. Some of you may have a problem with JJR, but calling him an asshole just because he doesn't agree with you is uncalled for.
It's better to be called a thief than to be called an asshole, you know?

Inferring that JJR is an asshole is the same thing as calling him one.
I'm sure Luis meant no harm :) Also, indirectly calling someone a thief is ok then? i thought this forum not a place where you can speak your mind?
So did Gilbert but he found out different. I was fair about it. I edited one from him just minute ago too.
hopefully no enemies were made or whatever, to stop any possible bad blood from continuing (hopefully), i'm locking this thread.
When I talked to a friend from Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico), he told me the term 'gringo' was derived from the green uniforms as well...I'm more inclined to believe the statement of someone from Mexico, than someone who get's his definition from a dictionary written by, and for, a largely American audience...
Thank you S4 for addressing that point I was trying to make-consistancy, no matter who is doing the name calling.

That said, Justintime, I agree that this should be a place where you can always speak your mind. I see good points on both sides of a 'completely free speech vs. free speech but no personal attacks' debate. It's a tough decision to make, and I'm glad I'm not one of the people making the decision. :p I do think, however, that every mod should be in agreement of an action that's taken like what gets edited and what gets locked. No offense to either of you but when you lock a thread, Justin, and then you open it because you don't agree, S4, it doesn't look very good for the admin of the board. Again, it's being inconsistant.

I too hope for no bad blood as a result of what I just said. I'm just giving my one cents worth-the other cent needs to remain unsaid due to a cross-board conflict ;)