Where are they now?

Gonz said:

lol.........as one newspaper reported.

"Graphite from drawing pencils is a substance banned under UN sanctions.......so a pretty hefty box of pencils will be enough to condemn Sadam"

Gonz the key word on the war against Iraq is, and always will be, PROOF.

But as, or maybe when, the do find actual PROOF you won't need to provide a link........it'll be splattered over every media source on the planet ;)

Half arsed reports of traces of suspicious chemical, deserted laboratorys and an attempt to buy missile plans from North Korea is hardly a threat to the western world.......is it?

Maybe Sadam was going to strap a torpedo (the largest weapon actually found btw) onto one of his long range glider-planes? ;)

But, I do think it's good that the world (and particularly the iraq' people) are giving so much time to the coalition to dig out their smoking gun..........[/sarcasm]
Oz said:
But, I do think it's good that the world (and particularly the iraq' people) are giving so much time to the coalition to dig out their smoking gun..........[/sarcasm]

You'd think with all that smoking, that it would have been found by now. :shrug:
Oz said:
lol.........as one newspaper reported.

That is not an article in a newspaper. It is the CIA cleared text of David Kay before the US Senate & it shows a clear deception of the UN & it's umpteen resolutions-12 years worth. It shows an on-going R&D of/for WMDs. That is all the proof needed.
Amazing how the intelligence that provided the fuel for your fire failed to know of the now obvious efforts of compliance...Guess Sadam made his weapons in public and then destroyed them under absolute secrecy....Your reasoning lacks plausibility, Gonz. Else you would have been just as willing to accept the other side. Your statement reveals that your beliefs are controlled solely by your wants.
Gonz said:
That is not an article in a newspaper. It is the CIA cleared text of David Kay before the US Senate & it shows a clear deception of the UN & it's umpteen resolutions-12 years worth. It shows an on-going R&D of/for WMDs. That is all the proof needed.

So ........... how long before the CIA investigations give irreputable proof of WMD? :)

Deception of UN resolutions? Maybe.

An immediate threat to the western world? Maybe not.

It was a war that was administered through the public aproval which was garnered through lies.........it is now an invasion that is justified through the acceptance of Iraq' public support (excuse me while I have a laughing fit) ........ so we now have a state of affairs where an invading force believed they were "in the right" to stop a potential threat and we have an invaded people who wish to run their own county.........in wotever way they see fit.

One side feels betrayed.......and another feels frustrated.

Who won the war? :shrug:
Squiggy said:
Amazing how the intelligence that provided the fuel for your fire failed to know of the now obvious efforts of compliance...Guess Sadam made his weapons in public and then destroyed them under absolute secrecy....Your reasoning lacks plausibility, Gonz. Else you would have been just as willing to accept the other side. Your statement reveals that your beliefs are controlled solely by your wants.

Iraqi military officers destroyed or hid chemical, biological and nuclear weapons goods in the weeks before the war, the nation's top satellite spy director said yesterday.
Retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper, head of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, said vehicle traffic photographed by U.S. spy satellites indicated that material and documents related to the arms programs were shipped to Syria.

Washington Times
Uh huh...convenient.

At best that tells us that the Whitehouse KNEW there were no weapons and STILL they let our troops die and murdered countless Iraqi citizens....When will you ever start looking at both sides of this? Are we to start a discussion on why the fuck we didn't intercept these shipments if we KNEW...Or just accept the patented grey that the right wing wants to paint all things now?
Oz said:
It was a war that was administered through the public aproval which was garnered through lies.........it is now an invasion that is justified through the acceptance of Iraq' public support (excuse me while I have a laughing fit) ........ so we now have a state of affairs where an invading force believed they were "in the right" to stop a potential threat and we have an invaded people who wish to run their own county.........in wotever way they see fit.

One side feels betrayed.......and another feels frustrated.

Who won the war? :shrug:

Lies? Two former & the current US President(s) had enough information for military action (all three took some form)...the UN had evidence of his deception...the IAEA had evidence of his deceptions...and you still won't open your eyes.

A vast majority of Iraqi's (over 70% in some polls) want the coalition to stay until they have an established government. Terrorists want to attack & kill Iraqi's so they become frightened to the point of chaos. They (the terrorists) know damned well the last thing they need is a fully functioning & self governing Iraq. If we cut & run now (as many on the left wish) it becomes another Vietnam-we're shown to be untrustworthy & they're left holding the pile of shit for the Ba'athists & the terrorists to fight over.

So, who is betrayed & who frustrated? It's apparently the liberals who can't stand to see success.
Gonz said:
So, who is betrayed & who frustrated? It's apparently the liberals who can't stand to see success.

Ask the parents of the coalition volunteers (armed forces) who are being killed every day.

Or the iraq' people ...........they all seem happy.
WTF? You're defending the US spending billions on social programs for Iraqis while at the same time applauding any and all cutting and running that W does to Americans....You should really seek some kind of balance in your argument....I'm pretty sure you have expressed a contempt for such programs on numerous occasions...Now, and I'm just wondering, could we be seeing a bit of expansionist showing in you?
Oz said:
Ask the parents of the coalition volunteers (armed forces) who are being killed every day.

Or the iraq' people ...........they all seem happy.

There is a surprising number of parents of KIA's that are aghast at the coverage this war is getting. They are heartbroken for thier loss and they fail to understand the negative press that is almost exclusive, when their own children told them differently. If we now leave, what will they have died for?

Maybe we should ask the British...I'm sure they're al happy too :rolleyes:
Squiggy said:
WTF? You're defending the US spending billions on social programs for Iraqis while at the same time applauding any and all cutting and running that W does to Americans....You should really seek some kind of balance in your argument....I'm pretty sure you have expressed a contempt for such programs on numerous occasions...Now, and I'm just wondering, could we be seeing a bit of expansionist showing in you?

What the hell are you talking about? Social programs? You've evidently got me confused with somebody else.
Ya know...I may be...:retard: :D This growing old shit can do that to you...

Seriously, I may have overstated it in the post but you do seem to hail any cuts to social programs here and question why they exist in general......I'm trying to remember the thread, but I seem to remembre you voicing an opinion against something as trivial as the minimum wage.
Yes, I do think social programs, with exceptions, are bogus & do more harm than good.

If you're talking about the $87B that was just passed (yes, it was finally passed), $20B goes to Iraq, to assist in rebuilding (security, not social) & the remaining goes towards espionage, troops, etc.

It's a short term deal, not a never-ending entitlement.
Gonz said:
There is a surprising number of parents of KIA's that are aghast at the coverage this war is getting. They are heartbroken for thier loss and they fail to understand the negative press that is almost exclusive, when their own children told them differently. If we now leave, what will they have died for?

Maybe we should ask the British...I'm sure they're al happy too :rolleyes:

You can tell them their children died because you put an idiot in the whitehouse...that will just about cover it.

The peaceniks have all realised that nothing they do works. So they've left Bush to what I hope is a painful death under a pile of squandered tax dollars and gone to karmabanque.com to short the american dollar until it can no longer fuel the greedy tantrams of a few rich ass holes.
Puma said:
The peaceniks have all realised that nothing they do works. So they've left Bush to what I hope is a painful death under a pile of squandered tax dollars and gone to karmabanque.com to short the american dollar until it can no longer fuel the greedy tantrams of a few rich ass holes.

You know any of these people? Activists, either on the Left or Right, never give up, no matter how futile or stupid their cause.


edited for typos