Where are they now?


Staff member
I got this idea of starting a service to help people find other people that they've lost touch with. It involves letting people sign up and enter their username(s), real name, websites they used to go to and websites they go to now, along with email addresses, and then anyone looking for them can search for any of these items when looking for someone they lost touch with.

If I start working on it, will everyone here sign up for it to help me test it out? :beardbng:
Sure, but will we have to be signed up forever? I mean, I don't have anyone to contact. This is just for a test?
:( I don't have any long lost friends. they all told mew to fuck off & die. :(
are friends something from...outside? :eek3:

sounds interesting fury, a bit like school/college site 'friends reunited' :)
scanty must remain our prisoner in the cyber world. We shall make it so no one will ever find her. lost in a program that helps people find eachother.
Muwahahaha :headbang:
ris said:
are friends something from...outside? :eek3:

sounds interesting fury, a bit like school/college site 'friends reunited' :)

it does!

Friends Reunited's pretty good from a voyeuristic, what-did-that-twat-who-used-to-take-the-piss-out-of-me-end-up-doing, point of view... ;)