Where did I put those lnks?


molṑn labé
Staff member
&#%@()*%^#&@($&*%^# :mad:

Major OS malfunction today, trying to "rollback" to pre-SP1. Not a completely bad thing, this is a new install anyway BUT I lost my damned favorites. About 200, lost forever...until I remember where I was that many times.

*digs thru floppy's & burned discs, hoping*
Don't forget this one: http://www.gc.ca

*runs away screaming*

Oh and sorry to hear about your troubles. :) Why rollback? I've yet to install SP1. Should I?
you might have tried this already:
go to
x:\Documents and Settings\

and browse through the different users, the SP1 might have changed the puter's name making a clone of your user, but without your personal data.
SP1 helped some things but my video went to hell & I had game crashes that never happened before.

Another real pisser-All my "saved" mail, full of passwords & shit-GONE :(

Luis, I had to do a full reinstall.
i was wondering about the "new install" thing :D

either way,do you mean a "full reinstall" as in deleting windows and reinstalling or as in formating and reinstalling ?? if you did the latter, next time reinstall over, backup and format.
it killed something after the rollback. I was so pissed I didn't even write it down. I tried to void the rollback, to no avail. out came the XP disc & I tried to fix it with F8 (?). Nothing helped. It was dead. I did a full format/instal over the last week-it was running nice, 'cept the video/game thing. I hate SP1!!!! NO install of it this time. BTW, MicroSoft VM is now available ONLY in the SP1. Dumbasses, I got Sun VM.
next time try to recover your data from a Linux OS, (mount the NT partition copy the files to your ext2/3 fs, and then reformat.
Thanks, I might try that.

ANother question-where does XP put the downloaded patches? There are a bunch for XP & several for Office. Searching is a bitch because I'd normally use the date but I've put in a buttload of stuff today. If I burn the patches it'll be so much quicker.
did you format when you reinstalled? if not check the documents and settings for any old admin or your old account there.
For the Windows 2000 patches I installed, they're in C:\WINNT and look something like this: $NTUninstallQ326888$

But just make sure in Tools--Folder Options--View that you don't have any files or folders hidden. I don't see anything there for the SP but I usually just uninstall from the Add/Remove Programs applet.
And now you know why I like my slow-assed tape drive. Sorry to hear about your MS adventure. :( I'm kinda glad I'm stuck with WIN98SE now. At least until I get an IDE tape drive... :grumpy:
what's the brand/model of your tape drive?

although i have a perfect stable win98fe, i'm using win2k right now, it feels different, cleaner in resource/memory managment (yes i feel that stuff).

if you don't have compatibility problems, i'd suggest you to upgrade to win2k.
Gato_Solo said:
And now you know why I like my slow-assed tape drive. Sorry to hear about your MS adventure. :( I'm kinda glad I'm stuck with WIN98SE now. At least until I get an IDE tape drive... :grumpy:

I have backups of all my stuff & they're safe. Only the stupid mail & favorites were lost. I had copies of them on Monday then I did a favor for my wife which means she has hers.
Luis G said:
what's the brand/model of your tape drive?

although i have a perfect stable win98fe, i'm using win2k right now, it feels different, cleaner in resource/memory managment (yes i feel that stuff).

if you don't have compatibility problems, i'd suggest you to upgrade to win2k.

Iomega DittoMax Pro. No support over WIN NT4.0... :grumpy:
No support from Tecmar, either (they bought the technology and then went belly-up). :grumpy: :mad2: :grumpy:
Thanks, Luis. You're a lifesaver. I'm surprised someone actually found a way to do it, as I was on that forum as far back as last year before I just gave up looking.
BTW...for those who don't like slowassed tape drives, check this out. 18 GB an hour average speed isn't bad...