Where do we do business?


molṑn labé
Staff member
An American school in an American school district in an American city in one of the 50 American states encompased under the banner the UNITED States of America. The paycheck is paid in American dollars using American banks on American soil so these people can go home to their American dream in their foreign car (well, 9/10 ain't bad).

SAN DIEGO -- In the wake of last week's immigration-reform protests, one school district is taking drastic measures, banning all symbols of patriotism, both U.S. and Mexican.

Beginning Monday, the Oceanside Unified School District is banning all flags and patriotic clothing. According to school officials, some students are using the garments and flags to taunt classmates.

NBC San Diego
*evil laugh*

Now's my opportunity to strike! Since most everybody sees the battle flag as anything BUT patriotic, I can sneak in, hand out hundreds of flags, and no one is in violation of a damn thing!

Nah..you'll be surrounded by a buncha teenage boys asking where Jessicah Simpson is and wanting a miniature of the General Lee.
SouthernN'Proud said:
*evil laugh*

Now's my opportunity to strike! Since most everybody sees the battle flag as anything BUT patriotic, I can sneak in, hand out hundreds of flags, and no one is in violation of a damn thing!


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SouthernN'Proud again.
:evilgrin: :finger:
Now would be the time for someone to file a class action lawsuit against the school!

This stunt is truly Un-American!

This could only happen in America?

There probably aren't even any students or parents
in that school that think this is wrong!?!

How about we make it a felony to raise a foreign
flag over an American 'installation'

Installation could then be 'interpreted' to include
all sorts of places!

nah we will be 'conquered' without ever firing a shot!

"O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave" ???


"I want them all out of here."

I'm with you buddy!
Winky said:
How about we make it a felony to raise a foreign
flag over an American 'installation'

Installation could then be 'interpreted' to include
all sorts of places!

then that would have to include the rebel flag too... :shrug:
Dood where have you been?

When was the last time (in your short lifetime)
that a Rebel Flag was allowed to be flown over
an American municipal building???


Hell I’d much rather see the ol’ Johnny Reb
flying before I’d ever wanna see the flag of Mess-co!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winky said:
Dood where have you been?

When was the last time (in your short lifetime)
that a Rebel Flag was allowed to be flown over
an American municipal building???


Hell I’d much rather see the ol’ Johnny Reb
flying before I’d ever wanna see the flag of Mess-co!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe you should read your own post before commenting on mine

"Installation could then be 'interpreted' to include
all sorts of places!" you didn't say "American municipal buildings" :rolleyes:

but because you asked...

Winky said:
old johnny reb is a domestic flag ha ha aha!

Not intended to be one though.

And if y'all think Miss'sip is the only state left with their state flag containing/patterned after/memorializing the Confederate battle flag or the Confederate National flag....well, you just keep right on thinking that.
Hit 'em where it hurts

An angry exchange over patriotism abruptly ended a state Senate debate Wednesday over a proposal to cut funding to schools that ban students' display of the American flag or wearing red, white and blue clothing.

Republican leader Sen. Andy McElhany of Colorado Springs proposed denying state grants to any school that bans the display of the flag or wearing clothing that depicts the flag or is in the colors of the flag. He wanted to include the measure in the annual bill that divides state funding among each school district.

Some Democrats said they would support the amendment after it was changed to protect students' respectful display or wearing of the flag. But Sen. Ron Tupa, D-Boulder, defended a decision by the principal of Longmont's Skyline High School to ban the display of American and Mexican flags because he said the school's safety was at stake after a racially charged confrontation over a national debate on immigration.

Hmm...that battle flag...red...white....blue...hmmmm
But Sen. Ron Tupa, D-Boulder, defended a decision by the principal of Longmont's Skyline High School to ban the display of American and Mexican flags because he said the school's safety was at stake...

An American schools safety is at stake for waving the American flag in America? By whom exactly?