Where everyone knows your name....


New Member
I'm glad markjs that ugly fuck icq'ed me this link. I haven't seen you fucks in gods knows when. So whats up you mofos. :)
I spend most of my time there, im sorry about that... its nice knowing a forum full of fucks that live in the same city as me..but i'll try to spend more time here.
Welcome back, fucktard. :D

My mate just got back from Toronto. She really liked it even though she was only there for one day in which it pissed it down with rain, having spent the previous week in Hawaii. Easily pleased, obviously... ;)
Originally posted by Cutter
me wonders if anyone knows who i really am?

who's chain you yanking. people know that you are me and have been here all the time. :D

welcome back buddy :headbang:
iph, if your friend likes her cities wet and miserable she will lurve swansea, damn place has perma-drizzle
Originally posted by ris
iph, if your friend likes her cities wet and miserable she will lurve swansea, damn place has perma-drizzle

Well she doesn't like them wet and miserable so I don't know why she liked it so much. Maybe she got a flash of Cutter's XXL Penis.
Originally posted by insert penis here
Originally posted by ris
iph, if your friend likes her cities wet and miserable she will lurve swansea, damn place has perma-drizzle

Well she doesn't like them wet and miserable so I don't know why she liked it so much. Maybe she got a flash of Cutter's XXL Penis.

mayhap bitch..lol, fuck you are hot..what, anyways, huh..you are hot fuck!! jebus!
*Drives up in a Caddilac with the bumper sticker that reads 'Honk if you love deulling'*
*Steps out wearing white 3 piece 1840s formal attire and sporting a long moustache*
*looks at Cutter*
Sir... I say SIR! You have assaulted the honor of a lady most fair. I deamnds satisfaction
*slaps Cutter with a long white glove*
How say you?... Will you meet me on the field of honor with pistols and 10 paces?