Where have you gone, oh Rhea?


Well-Known Member
"When I took down my drawers
I expected applause,
but I never expected the CLAP"
- Bowser and Blue

Sociable diseases...from being overly sociable. Ever caught one, how and was it worth it?:p
Yes, and you already know all the details of that mess. Try hiding that when you're pissing penicillen. Stinking stuff.

Worth it? Only if it hurt that bitch as much as it hurt me.
Never caught a disease, no. Had *something else* happen which was pretty scary at first. Doctor said it happens to most blokes at least once or twice in their life SO WATCH OUT FELLAS. :D

Didn't hurt a bit and I don't mind the sight of blood so it was definitely worth it, yes. :grinyes:
Capillarial haemorrhaging dans le sac des balls. Due to, um... nothing apparently. Doc just said it happens sometimes.

Of course this manifests itself in the form of a strawberry-flavoured protein shake. Not nice. Scares the shit out of her too. :D
Yeah, it was actually pretty funny once the intial shock had gone. :D

Given a choice between that (which only happened once) and anything with the phrase "green discharge" in the leaflet, it's a no-brainer...

Q said:
YOUR PENIS WAS ON THE.....rag??:eek2:

Nah - I skipped a cycle and gave birth to beautiful 9lb baby 8 months later OUT OF MY JAP'S EYE. :eyemouth:
Ok, thank you. I think I have just about ll the information I'll ever need about what did or could come out of your wanker.:D
Oh please don't tell me that little transatlantic, colloquialistic slur has permeated your everyday vocabulary now?!

"My wanker"?!!!

I'm in construction. You'd be amazed at the things that come up in everyday conversations. :D