The good thing about NY is that you have all sorts of mass transit to use if you can figure out how to get around and bring lots of change. Better not bring any luggage if you're going to be sleeping at the airport though. You'll probably lose it the first night. ;)
Oh and by the way, I would go to Boston but that's just me. I'm in love with that city. Like Ash, that's a home away from home for me. :)
Singed said:
Go to the depths of Nothern Kansas...
I defy anyone who isn't from there to differentiate any part of Kansas from any other part. :D:D

BTW, Whoreable, have you decided? I don't think I'd blame you if you refused to tell us though, lol.
Hey Whore, I think ya should come to northern Indiana, an' let me take ya on a tour to hang out with some of my Amish co-workers.

Then we could visit a few of the local Antique stores, an' maybe even spend some quality time together goin' to Garage-Sales!! Ya know those, "Saturday-Only" sales are the best!!:wink2: :headbang:
Could we go to one of those barn raisin things??

I think I am most considering chicago or maybe new york. perhaps florida.
I think if I had a free plane ticket I would pick somewhere far away to go. So US only? Probably not counting Alaska or Hawaii?

Since I'm in California now I think I would have a couple ideas like:

1. Go to some clubs in South Beach, Miami.
2. Pick somewhere on the coast of Maine as far north as possible.
3. Near a natural wonder in Montana or N. Dakota or Washington.
Y'know, I notice that I never once asked y'all to come on down home to Nashville fer a spell.:retard:
We got the Cuntree Music Hall of Fame 'n' everything, right here.
Oh, I know, you city folk probly druther lissen to that rock and roll stuff.:tardbang:
OMG, Sterling Marlinville! Actually, I live in Murfreesboro. If you're familiar with the American Tire in Columbia, that's the company I work for.

Cool, a good ole boy. BTW, I don't like NASCAR, I'm an atheist, and I don't listen to country music much anymore. I fit right in. *peepwall*