Where were your brothers and sisters born?

unclehobart said:
Throw a little tongue into the mix and you have yourself a deal.
*raises eye borw mischeviously*
*toddles off to the butcher*
*buys cow tongue*
Would you like it done medium or well done?


*toddles off*
My older sister and I were born at Balham Weir Maternity Hospital in London.

My eldest younger brother was born at home in Morden, Surrey.

My youngest brother was born at the Canadian Military Hospital, Iserlohn, W Germany. He had to be registered as British in Dusseldorf before he could be brought back to England.
my elder two siblings were born on O'ahu.
the third sibling was born in Hilo.
the rest of us were born in SanDiego - actually, just outside of SD, in Oceanside.
I dunno.............got a step-bro an' step-sis via one birth-giver, who I've never met.

Got a couple a other step-bros, via a different step-momma, who I've met yrs. ago.

Mostly, I'm an' only-child, 'least by legal declaration, though, all of us were born, via the same sperm-donor, to different women.............. 'owever, All of us, in the States........as far as I know.:)
I made the mistake of asking my mum about each of our births today and got all the gorey details... almost took as long in the telling as the original as well... I really hope I don't ramble quite so much when I get to that age... :lol: