Where were your parents born?

unclehobart said:
Good. Just keep calling me 'daddy' and you will be showered in pocket money.

...a little rand for the randy behavior, if you will.
:alienlol: I'd prefer British Pound please daddy! They're easier to deal with in different countries ;)

All from here in Ontario from about 1800 on, but Gramma on mom's side, she's a war bride from England.
Vortex said:
unclehobart said:
Good. Just keep calling me 'daddy' and you will be showered in pocket money.

...a little rand for the randy behavior, if you will.
:alienlol: I'd prefer British Pound please daddy! They're easier to deal with in different countries ;)

Can you deal in Yankee greenbacks? The exchange rate into the brit pound is murder for me.
No... I just know the general exchange rate going from US$ to UK$ has been stiff during the entire length of my life. I've never been there. I'm just thinking in terms of raw conversion insofar as purchasing power goes.
You were closer than most people get, freako. Skaneateles. You probably know then that it's pronounced skinny-atlas.

I grew up near there, worked a night club there a few times. Damned if I can remember the name now.
unclehobart said:
Can you deal in Yankee greenbacks? The exchange rate into the brit pound is murder for me.
*crinkles up nose* And you think it isn't for me?? *does puppy dog eyes* But daddy, the yankee greenbacks are losing strength to our Rand... *thinks for a moment* ... *gets all her accountatnt friends to help her out* ... Okay, here's a plan, daddy Yankee greenbacks are fine by me, but only after about a month when the Rand will go back to it's miserable low once more, and US$ will be worth something :D


unclehobart said:
Negative. The currency of RSA is the Rand.
Seconds that. It used to be pounds, but then there was something in history I was supposed to be paying attention to, and then it changed... *goes off into a day dream* ... or something like that... :p