Where's the outrage about Karl Rove?!?

chcr said:
I agree with you that Rove probably committed no crime. He is a self-important, mean-spirited jackass though, and I think the conservatives in general are making a mistake by lining up behind him. Re the reporter, I wonder if she isn't just building up publicity for the upcoming tell all best-seller.

Conservatives, in general, aren't. Republicans are though.
Poor Mark. Lost another one to Ditech.

NY Times said:
Mr. Rove has told investigators that he learned from the columnist the name of the C.I.A. officer, who was referred to by her maiden name, Valerie Plame, and the circumstances in which her husband, former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV, traveled to Africa to investigate possible uranium sales to Iraq, the person said.

Perhaps Mr Novak should be prosecuted?
NY Times
HomeLAN said:
See. I don;t think Rove committed a crime here. No covert agent status, no crime. However, I think he fucked up by telling a reporter what he apparently did. Fire him? No. Discipline him somehow? Probably. However, this ain't the real issue to me.

We still have a reporter from the Times sitting in the can for not revealing her source. It can't be Rove, because he's already released all reporters from secrecy. So, exactly who the fuck is she still protecting? That's the question I'd like answered.

Well, now she's released, and we still don't know why the hell she did the time.
Miller's way of transforming herself from a journalistic outcast (based on her gullible pre-war reporting) into a much-celebrated hero of press freedom.

my thoughts exactly