New Member
Old news ,but evidence of purported bugging by the US.
Squiggy said:A couple years ago one of our spyplanes was sitting on one of their tarmacs and they were making us beg them to give it back...
Squiggy said:You have a rather strange memory, Gato. A short while back you were claiming I stated positions that would have been totally alien to me and now you remember me making light of this when it happened. Problem is, This event happened in April, 2001. Long before 'Squiggy' was an online entity...I never even knew about OTC (or any of its sister sights) till the day I registered here in September 2002. I don't have a clue where or why you've developed this penchant to defame me with your ailing memory. But I wish it would stop.
"We can say we know our aircraft was in international waters, so there was no reason to think that,"