Which brings me to the all-important question...(for the lads)

tank girl

New Member
Do you think guys generally have less respect, and perhaps more likely to loose 'interest' in a girl that gets nekkid with him on the first date?

Is that just a Myth or does it have some truth to it?
Respect, interest, and getting nekkid don't have any common threads for me. I've banged girls I didn't respect. Hell, even ones I didn't like. Yes, even one's who's name I didn't wait around to find out. I've dated girls who didn't put out on the first, I've dated girls who only wanted to put out. I've been interested in both, and put off by both.
tank girl said:
Do you think guys generally have less respect, and perhaps more likely to loose 'interest' in a girl that gets nekkid with him on the first date?

Is that just a Myth or does it have some truth to it?

Ditto... this is an important question that I'd like answers to aswell... :ashamed:

And Prof your post has confused me even more...

What about this... you and I go on a date... (forget the wife, three kids, age gap and 3000 miles apart part) we find each other physically attractive in the extreme, we are mentally stimulated by each other and have had a number of intelligent debates through out the evening, we have a number of similarities are personalities match... and we're both "alco-confident" (a bottle of wine with dinner and a few real ales after! *hiccup* )

If I were to suggest that we go back to mine for "coffee" and I lay on the moves.. would you respect me/ask me for a second date?

And more so...

If you were to suggest we go back to yours for "coffee"and you lay on the moves and I respond... putty in your hands so to speak... would you respect me/ask me for a second date?

Oh not only Prof can answer this its open to the floor!
ClaireBear said:
Ditto... this is an important question that I'd like answers to aswell... :ashamed:

And Prof your post has confused me even more...

What about this... you and I go on a date... (forget the wife, three kids, age gap and 3000 miles apart part) we find each other physically attractive in the extreme, we are mentally stimulated by each other and have had a number of intelligent debates through out the evening, we have a number of similarities are personalities match... and we're both "alco-confident" (a bottle of wine with dinner and a few real ales after! *hiccup* )

If I were to suggest that we go back to mine for "coffee" and I lay on the moves.. would you respect me/ask me for a second date?

One has nothing to do with the other. If we aligned that well, I'd definitely be hoping for a second date. If we'd been drinking, I might, or might not, take you to bed, depending on how drunk we both were. I've done my share of waking up in a strange bed, and I don't like it.

And more so...

If you were to suggest we go back to yours for "coffee"and you lay on the moves and I respond... putty in your hands so to speak... would you respect me/ask me for a second date?

Oh not only Prof can answer this its open to the floor!

Same thing. But (just to confuse the issue more) for me, there's a difference between animal lust and making love. On the first date, it would almost certainly be lust. Making love requires a plan, a seduction. It's unlikely that I'd go into a first date planning that far ahead.
Gonz said:
Respect you in the morning? Hell, I don't respect you now.

There are no absolutes but the above is the best overall answer.

So what about the gals who willingly go to bed after... say the 4th/5th date?

Just out of interest... you know...
Gonz said:
Respect you in the morning? Hell, I don't respect you now.

Thanks... and you opinion should count for what exactly?

Remind me again why you're in a position of authority here... other than to cause hurt, trouble and take pot shots at certain individuals?

I call upon the other moderators/admins to make note of this personal attack...
If we're still happy after 5 dates, you can expect a seduction. You can also expect the rest of your sex life to go downhill from there, because you're about to be introduced to a level of sex that most people never dreamed existed.
ClaireBear said:
Thanks... and you opinion should count for what exactly?

Remind me again why you're in a position of authority here... other than to cause hurt, trouble and take pot shots at certain individuals?

I call upon the other moderators/admins to make note of this personal attack...

That wasn't an attack. It was Gonz's opinion of any woman willing to get naked with him.
Professur said:
If we're still happy after 5 dates, you can expect a seduction. You can also expect the rest of your sex life to go downhill from there, because you're about to be introduced to a level of sex that most people never dreamed existed.

Yeah baby! Yeah! :D

So about that wife, kids and the thousands of miles.... :p
Professur said:
That wasn't an attack. It was Gonz's opinion of any woman willing to get naked with him.


It wasn't nice... I know that much... you know the muppets been quiet for so long... he must be bored!
ClaireBear said:
Thanks... and you opinion should count for what exactly?

Remind me again why you're in a position of authority here... other than to cause hurt, trouble and take pot shots at certain individuals?

I call upon the other moderators/admins to make note of this personal attack...

You asked a question. I answered it. That is now an attack?
Prof has pretty well summed it up. Sex and respect are two different animals, with two different sets of prompting behavior.

And stop seeing a personal attack where none exists.
I don't think respect is the right word. More it might tend to give a background thought of wow, if she'll/he'll jump into it with me...how many others? Ewwww COOTIES!!! and an ensuing running away. Little bit of taint maybe to the picture presented of onesself. In both sexes nowadays.
HomeLAN said:
Prof has pretty well summed it up. Sex and respect are two different animals, with two different sets of prompting behavior.

And stop seeing a personal attack where none exists.

Okay.... if its not a personal attack its a comment presented purely to cause offence and upset.. its shit stirring... and just as bad!
ClaireBear said:
Okay.... if its not a personal attack its a comment presented purely to cause offence and upset.. its shit stirring... and just as bad!

It's about to get personal. You asked a question. I anwered that question. If you can't handle a personal opinion, especially one that isn't directed at you, maybe you need to re-evaluate asking questions. Guilt?